Wednesday, August 18, 2010


1st let me start by saying the night/morning was rough.  Emily woke up at 1:00 and when Emily wakes up - the other 2 wake up because they know something is wrong.  But what was wrong was baffling to all of us.  She just couldn't get comfortable.  This went on for over an hour and 1/2.  Lovely.  By the time I fell back to sleep it was 3:30. 

We all got up and while rushing to get ready (of course we were up late because of the party we held in the middle of the night) the girls were just cranky.  They were lacking sleep too and as most of us know - a toddler who is tired = misery for everyone in earshot.  We managed to get through the morning (and also managed to figure out what was wrong with Emily - she was constipated...poor baby).  I kept telling the girls they were going to school and they would have fun and that Pete was going to pick them up. Hannah kept crying and saying 'Nooooo school!'  But I would just remind her how much fun it was and start talking about the things I know she likes to do at school.  She loves playing in the sensory table - this week it has rice.  She also loves going outside to play on the slide.  In addition - she loves using the computer. (Imagine?!?!  There is a computer just for them!!!!!).  She seemed to be listening to me (again...imagine a 2y/o listening to her mom) and she would agree that 'yeah' she liked doing these things.  I kissed them all goodbye and they were happy to see me off to work. 

Pete had the luxury of bringing them to school and he said that one of their teachers met them at the door today.  Hannah walked right up to her and gave her a hug!  So she picked up Hannah and they all headed to their classroom - NO TEARS!  NOT ONE SINGLE TEAR TODAY!!!!!!  Yay!  This makes me sooooo happy.  I know it might not go as well tomorrow - but we're not even through 2 weeks yet and already I know that they feel safe and secure there. 

And the teacher informed me that Emily was no longer constipated!!!  LOL

1 comment:

  1. I"m so glad things went better today! Keep up with asking about the things they like and talking it up and they will do great.
