Tuesday, August 3, 2010


As parents of triplets we're forced to ask for help in areas where we never would have needed help had we not been giving 3 kids at one time.  But with this help - comes frustration.  Because you can't expect people to help without giving their input.  In case people haven't realized...I'm the kind of 'do it my way' person.  And since they're my kids...I do in fact get to do it my way...when I'm here to do it.  Otherwise - it's everyone else's way.  And the problem with this is that there is no longer any consistency at all. 

Potty training is a bust.  Why?  Because there are just too many people that have a 'say' in how to train 3 toddlers on the potty.  It's my way when I'm home...but that's it.  Everyone else does it their own way.  Pete, his mom, his sister, Joey...whoever.   And I'm frustrated because I feel like it should be my way since they're my kids.  But other people think it should be their way since the girls are with them.  This is just an example...it goes across the board.  Eating, sleeping, how they dress (or don't dress), playing, talking, using their words (as oppose to whining for something they want).  The list goes on.  I'm not ungrateful for the help we get - because Lord knows that life would be much more difficult if we didn't have help. I'm just frustrated that I didn't get the opportunity to raise kids my way.  Too often I'm left throwing in the towel because it's a losing battle and no matter how much I talk - I'm outnumbered and talking gets me nowhere.  

I'm not a control freak and I don't want to micro manage their every move.  But I do want certain things to be done certain ways.  But my wants and needs are like opposing magnetic fields.  Lately I feel like I'm just the person that people come to when something needs to get done.  "Where's the girls bathing suits?  Did you get their bags ready?  I need the paperwork from the doctors office!  What's for dinner?"  The list goes on.  I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that actually gives the girls a time out for anything they do wrong.  Just feeling like I always have to be the 'bad guy' and always the one that has to make sure things get done but never gets a say in how they get done. 

Not only do I get judged at home - but would you believe that some old hag at the grocery store had the nerve to grunt at me under breath while saying 'Ugh...kids having kids'.  WTF!  This was because Hannah happened to be having a 2y/o moment of throwing herself on the floor while crying.  I certainly wasn't going to coddle her and give her whatever she wanted.  I looked at Hailey and said 'Let's go.  Hannah can come with us if she'd like.'  But this old lady walks by and says to Hannah "Ohhhh sweetie are you ok?' (just what I need....someone to give Hannah some positive reinforcement for this kind of tantrum).  I quickly say 'She's fine.  Just having a moment.'  Which is when the old hag grunts and comments.  I'm not even going to repeat what I said to her...let's just say there was NO holding back and she's probably still home crying right now.  But you know what?  I don't care!  Who the hell are you to comment that I'm a 'kid having kids'???  It's Tuesday - and this happened on Sunday - so you can only imagine how fired up I was during the moment. 

I'm just tired and frustrated.  It seems lately that there are more frustrating days than good days and really all I want is to have time to enjoy my kids rather than having to make sure that I'm one step ahead of the game in getting every single detail of the next moment planned out.

1 comment:

  1. This is all signs of being a good Mom. Yes you have to be the bad cop. And yes that sucks. Hang in there and stand your ground. They are your kids. I had to tie my guy to a chair to cut his hair safely tonight. All the while listening to his cry's for Daddy to come save him. These are the moments you want to drink throw in the towel and hop the next plane. But you won't because you love them. And they love you back. Even if in the moment they (your children) are not happy being policed, they do and will appreciate all your efforts someday.
    Good news no matter how they become potty train or even when that happens it WILL eventually happen. As far as being the sole person to know where all the shit is and being the organizer goes, well sorry that never seems to end. I promise when I figure out a trick in this department I will share the secrete that I have yet to figure out! Being the organizer, the planner the go to person can definitely wear you down. Time to take a break and as Daniel says to me often "Chillax Mom". Help is good, sometimes I get so busy in the day to day inertia of things I overlook the little things that are really are not so little. I have been fighting Christopher to put his shoes on for days now. It wasn't until someone else pointed out that maybe they are getting to small. Duh - I didn't even notice! I have been cramming size 6's on his size 8 feet!
