Monday, August 16, 2010


The girls hated being dropped off at school today.  They started crying at home and didn't let up until long after being dropped off at school.  So goes Monday's.  But they said goodbye to the teachers and agreed to go back tomorrow. 

I'm frustrated tonight.  It's like they've worn me down again.  I could have the best day - but then a 10 minute meltdown before bed can just destroy my good attitude.  And lately - it's been harder because usually the mornings are great but since school started - the mornings suck just as much as the nights do.  I know it'll pass...but it doesn't make it easier. 

They push and shove each other like nothing.  They'll smack each other, pinch each other and then scream in each other's faces like nothing.  BUT if one of them 'hurts' one of their baby dolls they all start crying!  So basically - the motto is kill your sisters but don't you dare touch our baby dolls.    ?????? 

I understand why people say 'enjoy every moment - it goes by so fast'  It's because you're so focused on getting through the day - you lose yourself in living for the next minute instead of living in the moment.  But how do you live in the moment when it sucks?!?!  Screw that - I'll live in the moments that are enjoyable.  The rest of them?  I'll just count down the minutes to bedtime! 

Hannah - stop shoving your sisters!  It's NOT NICE! 

Emily - stop throwing every meal you're given on the floor!  I don't want to wash the floor 3 times a day!  Nor do I have time to wash the floor 3 times a day! 

Hailey - stop saying NO to every single thing we ask of you!  If I ask you to rip off your arm...feel free to scream NO but when I say it's time to eat, get changed, go outside, take a bath, put your shoes on or anything else - screaming NO is NOT A REQUIREMENT OF TODDLER HOOD!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to know that Sofia isn't the only one who throws her food at EVERY meal!!!! (For a while I thought she was!) You are allowed to be's par for the course!! I thought of something the other day....I wonder if you invited the teachers over for dinner (or something of the like)if it might help the girls want to go to school a little more. You know, see the teachers outside of school on a one on one thing. Just a thought.
    Hang in there...
