Monday, August 9, 2010

1st Day of School

Well - it went well.  Probably better than I anticipated.  When we 1st got to the school the 3 girls started running right up to the door.  Hannah has been soooo excited to go to school.  But as she got close to the door she stopped.  You could physically see the anxiety in her eyes as she said to me 'Hannah no go inside momma.'  Oh it broke my heart into a million pieces.  She was trying so hard to be a big girl and yet she had that sinking feeling of starting something new and she just wasn't sure she could do it. 

But we went inside.  And they did great once we were in.  They were hesitant at 1st but Pete and I were able to leave them for a few minutes to get all their things situated.  Once we had everything put away (a lot of stuff for the 1st day) - we had to say goodbye.  Emily & Hannah were ok with it but Hailey might have broken a few windows with her ear piercing scream.  Pete and I left knowing that it would be best not to stick around and try to calm her down.

I called the school around 9:30 to check in and the teacher said they were doing ok.  She said it took Emily some time to get adjusted but they were happy playing with some new toys.  I called again at 1:30 and the teacher said 'Wow - they sure have a hard time transitioning.'  I knew this.  And I warned them.  But you never know the full extent of it until you experience it.  I said 'I'm sure Emily is having a hard time with this.'  And she replied 'Yes - she's having the roughest time of the 3.'  I suggested just using the '2 minute' rule.  Let them know 2 minutes in advance that something new is coming their it's going to be time to go out, time to come in, time to use the potty, time to eat...etc.  We do this with Emily at home.  And this is something I picked up from my cousin Jen who uses this same rule with her son.  It works.  She also said 'They go to sleep really easy!'  I guess once it was nap time they all washed up and went right to their cot.  They sure do love their sleep.

The girls also didn't eat much today (which I also knew would happen).  But they got dirty, they painted, they sang songs and somehow Emily convinced them all that she was allowed to have her bunny (lovie) outside of naptime!  This is even something I told the teachers about in advance!  I said 'she will do anything to keep this but we only allow it at bed time'  and they all agreed it was a rule at the school too....only at nap time.  Yeah right!  Pete said when he went to pick them up - they were in a different room, playing play dough and there was Emily with her bunny!  LOL   I'm POSITIVE the teachers tried to take it away.  And I'm also positive Emily threatened the life of all of their grandchildren if they attempted to touch her bunny.  She wins.  Just like Mommy - she's persuasive and persistent.  :) 

They didn't do very well on the potty but that was also to be expected.  I knew they wouldn't feel comfortable talking to the teachers and letting them know they had to go.  They do 'try' every 2 hours but Emily wouldn't even sit on the potty. 

When they all got home they were SO full of energy.  I really don't think they said much of anything at school today because of how shy they all are.  So once they were home it was all talk.  Even some very loud singing. 

I have a feeling every night will be bath night now because they were filthy from being outside and playing in the sand table.  Along with painting and coloring and whatever else they did.  After their bath - we brushed teeth, read books and turned off the lights.  But the girls were so full of chatter!  They talked and talked and talked to each other for about an hour before falling asleep.  They had a lot to say - but don't ask me what because it was all their own triplet babble.  

Speaking of which - lately Emily has been trying to tell me things.  Every once in a while she stumps me and I just don't get what she's trying to say.  So I turn to Hannah and say 'What does Emily want?' and she's able to tell me.  But I might also add that when Hannah tells me - she gives me that 'what's the matter with you?' look. 

They all agreed to go back to school tomorrow so that must mean they liked it a little bit right?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad things went well! I hope they have a good day tomorrow too! Be prepared for them to fight going in pretty soon... Keiley did really good the first few days but after she realized what was coming she started to have separation anxiety.
