Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Doom on the sickness that has infiltrated our home!

Finally the croup seems to be getting better - and Hailey wakes up with diarrhea...all day long!  Another day home tomorrow - but this time Pete is staying home.  I'm going back to work (I've been off since I left early from work on Thur morning). 

I took the girls to the grocery store early this morning (8:00) so that we could get in/out before the heat beat us.  I had to take the choo choo wagon...which always causes more curiosity than is necessary.  But I knew if I put all 3 of them in the cart it would have been an instant argument because they just didn't want to be near each other today.  The girls were in NO mood today for being kind...and quite frankly - neither was I.  Sleep wasn't on their priority last night so we all had a rough night.  And when you take 3 sick/cranky kids to the grocery store and then throw in some strangers to the mix...it's just a recipe for disaster.  But giving credit where credit is due...they did fine.  I hit the deli 1st and no joke - before even getting in the door to the store we were stopped twice.  At the deli - it took 2 customer comments and 1 employee comment for me to finally say "I'd just like to buy some lunch meat and move on please."  I'm not usually this abrupt...but I'm tired.  And I'm on a time limit because it's only God knows how long before one of these kids trailing behind me decides to have a meltdown for whatever reason they choose.  The person at the deli said "Wow!  I've never seen triplets before!  This is awesome!" and then I heard someone behind me say "She's in here all the time...and I'm pretty sure she'd like to get her shopping done and go home because as you can see she has her hands full."  I returned the comment with a polite "Thank you." 

I get that we are unusual.  I know it!  But you don't stop and stare at someone with one leg (or maybe you do...but I bet you don't have the balls to ask if they were born that way or if something 'unnatural' happened to them).  You don't gawk at the person in the wheelchair.  You don't comment to the mother with 3 children of different ages (which trust me...they have it much worse than I do since they are in the 'stages' for a longer period of time than we are!).   I just feel like sometimes people make such rude comments that aren't called for and days like today just send me over the edge. 

Yes I have my hands full - as well as my heart.  Yes I'm also thankful it wasn't you - you couldn't handle it as smoothly as I can.  No I wouldn't consider shooting myself (you wouldn't believe how often we hear "I'd shoot myself!").  And it's none of your f*cking business if we had 'help'!  I'm in the grocery store!  I'm not going to carry on a conversation with you about my damn sex life!  And you've already said how I have my hands full so why are you keeping me here longer than necessary! 

Lol...I guess I'm still a bit fired up about our shopping trip.  So much so that I didn't get everything on our list.  I actually went from the deli right over to the milk (opposite ends of the store) and went to check out.  I simply grabbed some stuff on the end of the aisles that I thought we would need and didn't bother 'shopping'. 

My mom came over just as we got home and she spent the next 2 hours with the girls while I cleaned.  I took out most of their toys from the living room and just made space.   It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate over time. 

The girls took naps...but Emily only slept about 45 minutes.  She spent the rest of 'nap time' with me just hanging out.  When Pete got home we ate dinner and then the girls got baths and did the whole bed time thing.  But then LB came home and the girls haven't really seen him in a few days so we let them get up out of bed to come down and play for a bit (we realized we put them to bed way too early anyway!). 

They are ALL coughing up phlegm like you wouldn't believe.  Emily has been coughing so hard she's been throwing up.  Lucky for me - I had a phone call last night from my cousin Jen.  She was awesome enough to leave me a message that said "Layer the bed with towels!" or maybe she said blankets but the point is...it helped.  Rather than having to change bed sheets every time one of them throws up - I just have to peel off the top layer and we're good to go! 

So today I feel accomplished because I have my living room back, kids are fed, bathed and in bed - and now I just have to wait and see how the night goes. 

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