Monday, August 2, 2010


I really dislike Monday's...more and more.  I would love to just be a stay at home mom - but I only have 3 more years left to reach my 10 years at UConn.  That means free college tuition for the girls (provided they attend UConn) and health benefits when I retire.  Only 3 years.  But it's like these next 3 years are going to be the toughest for child care.  They're not 'easy' to take care of and it's not cheap to put them in daycare (it's costing me more than I make).  But the benefits to daycare are that the girls will be with other kids their age and they'll have a schedule.  It's going to be a tough adjustment for all of us - but we'll make it work somehow.

Hailey and Hannah were both up and down for about an hour and 1/2 last night.  They just couldn't get comfortable and settled enough to sleep (at midnight!).  So it was a rough night.  Donna and Pete's mom came today and apparently they all tried 'painting' their nails with playdough today so they could look like Donna.  LOL!  Even during their bath I told Emily that her nails were dirty.  She was soooo offended.  She said 'No sucio mommy!  Pretty like Donna!'   Hahahahaha! 

I'm in trouble when it comes to girlie stuff like doing hair and painting's just not something I ever got into.  Looks like I'll have to work on my girlie side and learn a thing or two!

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