Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hello Momma Bear

I'm nice.  I really am.  But if you make me mad for whatever reason - I'm going to tell you so.  And I'm NOT going to beat around the bush. 

Today - Pete told me that when he got to the school, the director and one of the girls teachers met him in the hallway.  They immediately corralled the girls into a different room than they are suppose to be in.  It was already after 8:00 and Pete was running late so he didn't have time to argue.  Are you kidding me?  As the director of a child care facility you should know that putting the girls in a different room on week #2 is just asking for a set back.  Not to mention an earful from their momma!  When I called the school at 9:30 like usual - the director answered the phone (she usually does at this time).  I let her know that I wasn't happy about what happened, nor do I expect it to happen again until I say that they can be in a different room. She cut me off saying 'Well if the girls are dropped off before 8:00 they will certainly have to go in that room...'  To which I immediately replied "They have not and will not be dropped off before 8:00.  I understand the center can be short staffed and there's nothing you can do about that.  Next time I expect that you will inform myself or Pete that there isn't a teacher for their room and we will stay with the girls in their room until a teacher is available."  Yes - I was very blunt.  But I was angry that someone who should be more in tune with helping kids to transition would do something like this. 

I don't like to make waves - but what I don't like even more is any more unnecessary additional transitions for the girls right now.  We are working so hard at home to make sure that every single thing is stable in their life to help them adjust to the transition to school.  It might seem minor to you and me but I assure you - ANY change in my girls life is major.  They notice when I change their pillowcases and sheets on their bed, if I wear a new shirt or their toys have been moved.  Any type of change is picked up.  And it's not always welcome.  It took Emily THREE WEEKS to walk upstairs by herself because I moved a radio from her room to the top of the stairs.  She would NOT walk by the radio.  It didn't belong there.  Why did I leave it?  Because eventually they will have to learn to deal with change.  It's my job as their mom to help them learn to deal with change.  But it's a fine line to walk and I'm never sure when I'm going to do the right thing or not.  But I can tell you that when I feel strongly about something I'm going to go with my gut. 

With that said - the girls will be going back to school tomorrow.  And the day after, and the day after....lol

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