Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 3 of School

Sucked!  The girls did NOT want to go to school today.  They fought every step of the way and even had Pete considering staying home.  Hannah cried so hard she threw up all over herself.  After he changed her - all 3 of them peed/pooped so he had to change all 3 of them.  (I had already left for work).  Then he went up stairs to get his phone - and heard Hannah scream.  He came downstairs to see Hannah had a mouthful of blood.  Hailey either pushed her into something or threw something at her.  He cleaned her up - and then had to convince them to put their shoes on to walk to the car.  Yeah right.  NOPE!  They weren't going to put their shoes on because that meant they were going to school.  He told them they weren't going to school right away.  They were just going to the van 1st...somehow that worked.  So he gets them in the car and on the way - Emily kept saying 'Emmie want to go to Daddy's house!'  Once at school - they refused to walk through the door.  The teachers had to come and get them.  What. A. Mess.

But I called to check on them and the teacher said it took about 10 minutes for them to calm down (which could be a lifetime if you're listening to 3 kids scream their heads off).  It's still heart wrenching. 

Then at home tonight - Hailey was a BEAR.  She wouldn't eat dinner, threw her fork across the room, then threw her food on the floor!  After bath - I was blow drying Emily's hair and Hailey got mad that I didn't dry her hair 1st so she came over and smacked Emily in the head.  GRRRRR  She made me so freakin' mad! 

Tomorrow has to be better.


  1. It might take a few days maybe even a week or two for them to get into a routine of going willingly. My daughter seems to have a very close temperament to your girls and being a fellow preemie hasn't had to deal with the group setting much until school. Believe me it gets better and they will love it soon. I think keeping them home for a day would hinder the process... they would know that was an option and use that to fight harder. My daughter was in a church group called awanas once a week before we started preschool and one of the first nights picked up a chair after I left and threw it because she was so mad... my little three year old!

    Michele I'm not trying to sound like I'm telling you how to raise your girls I'm just giving you advise from being there myself.... Good luck tomorrow!

  2. It might not be better for a few days. But it will get better. Hang in there you two. Pete stay calm on the outside, put on a good I am so happy, school is so fun show for them. Really hard stuff but this will get better. Sorry it has to be this way for you guys. 10 minutes is not that long to settle down so thats great.
