Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 4

What a KILLER!  I went in to work late so I could help Pete bring the girls to school.  O.M.G.!!! They tortured us.  They just don't want to GO to school.  But once they're there - they are fine (after a while).  The teachers name is Elizabeth ie: Miss Elizabeth.  I speak to her twice a day and she's always very helpful and honest.  I love honesty.  I would hate for someone to tell me that the girls are 'just fine' when they really aren't.  I assured her that no matter what - they WILL be coming back so not worry about scaring me away with the truth.  Hey...they're my kids - I know them well enough to know that this isn't going to be an easy road for them.  I just didn't realize how hard it would be for ME!  LOL

Elizabeth told me today that Hannah took a lot longer to calm down than she has the past 3 days and it was a lot longer than the other 2 as well.  I suggested that the next time this happens - take them for a tour of the infant room.  Hannah LOVES babies.  She'll be 'quiet' so she won't scare the babies and it'll redirect her.  So far - the school and teachers have all been very good about not only listening to what I suggest but putting it work as well.  Elizabeth has been a great help and the girls really do like her. 

When I called at 1:30 to check on them again - she said Hailey was talking a whole bunch more today and that Emily was being silly all day!  GREAT!  Then she said 'Oh and Emily loves playing with the boys!'  Grrrrrr!  LOL (sort of).   I'm glad to know they're getting more comfortable with the school.  Though I must say - I didn't warn them yet that once the girls feel 100% comfortable being there and with their surroundings...everyone is S C R E W E D screwed.  Oh yeah.  You think they won't use their little brains to conspire against the teachers?  Ha!  Oh and the poor parents that have kids in the same class as the trio...sorry!  Really I am.  I can't be held accountable for you child coming home and asking for a twin sibling.  :)

One thing that did put me on alert today was that the class will be watching the movie Madagascar this month sometime.  They are learning about Africa this month and one the activities is to watch this movie.  *Gasp* says the mom that only lets her kids watch Barney or Mickey Mouse.  I did come out and say that the girls aren't really big TV watchers and they only watch TV in the morning when we're changing them for the day.  They've never actually sat down to watch a movie and I'm not sure they would even sit through a movie if we tried.  But the major concerning thing is that I'm not sure I want them watching Madagascar.  I've seen previews and it's not exactly 100% kid friendly.  Hannah has nightmares already...and I don't know if watching a movie would make it worse for her. 

Yes - I know that when I read this in 3 or 4 or 50 years from now I'll think to myself 'self - you were crazy then too!'  But the fact of the matter is that these are things I think about.  I'm not sure yet if I'll let them watch the movie or ask the school to find something else for them to do.  I'm not even sure I'll let them watch TV at all.  I don't allow it at home (other than the morning) and quite frankly...I don't feel they need it.  The TV isn't even ON when the kids are home.  With music, books, toys and each other - they don't have a need for TV.  (Trust me there are times when I wish they WOULD sit down to watch a movie...I could get so much done!). 

Tomorrow...we're bringing the girls to Pete's parents house.  We told the kids that it's the weekend - and the school is closed on the weekends.  I don't want them thinking that they're going to be able to cry their way out of school.  But I didn't want them full of anxiety thinking about having to go to school tomorrow either.  So at bedtime tonight I simply said tomorrow starts the weekend and since the school is closed you'll be going to Grandma's house.  But on Monday we'll go back to school to see your friends and teachers.  Ugh it's so hard to know what the right thing to do is.

And you know what else is hard?  Not over compensating in other areas to make up for the guilty feelings of abandoning them at school!  Where the hell is the Child Rearing 101 classroom?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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