Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Doom on the sickness that has infiltrated our home!

Finally the croup seems to be getting better - and Hailey wakes up with diarrhea...all day long!  Another day home tomorrow - but this time Pete is staying home.  I'm going back to work (I've been off since I left early from work on Thur morning). 

I took the girls to the grocery store early this morning (8:00) so that we could get in/out before the heat beat us.  I had to take the choo choo wagon...which always causes more curiosity than is necessary.  But I knew if I put all 3 of them in the cart it would have been an instant argument because they just didn't want to be near each other today.  The girls were in NO mood today for being kind...and quite frankly - neither was I.  Sleep wasn't on their priority last night so we all had a rough night.  And when you take 3 sick/cranky kids to the grocery store and then throw in some strangers to the mix...it's just a recipe for disaster.  But giving credit where credit is due...they did fine.  I hit the deli 1st and no joke - before even getting in the door to the store we were stopped twice.  At the deli - it took 2 customer comments and 1 employee comment for me to finally say "I'd just like to buy some lunch meat and move on please."  I'm not usually this abrupt...but I'm tired.  And I'm on a time limit because it's only God knows how long before one of these kids trailing behind me decides to have a meltdown for whatever reason they choose.  The person at the deli said "Wow!  I've never seen triplets before!  This is awesome!" and then I heard someone behind me say "She's in here all the time...and I'm pretty sure she'd like to get her shopping done and go home because as you can see she has her hands full."  I returned the comment with a polite "Thank you." 

I get that we are unusual.  I know it!  But you don't stop and stare at someone with one leg (or maybe you do...but I bet you don't have the balls to ask if they were born that way or if something 'unnatural' happened to them).  You don't gawk at the person in the wheelchair.  You don't comment to the mother with 3 children of different ages (which trust me...they have it much worse than I do since they are in the 'stages' for a longer period of time than we are!).   I just feel like sometimes people make such rude comments that aren't called for and days like today just send me over the edge. 

Yes I have my hands full - as well as my heart.  Yes I'm also thankful it wasn't you - you couldn't handle it as smoothly as I can.  No I wouldn't consider shooting myself (you wouldn't believe how often we hear "I'd shoot myself!").  And it's none of your f*cking business if we had 'help'!  I'm in the grocery store!  I'm not going to carry on a conversation with you about my damn sex life!  And you've already said how I have my hands full so why are you keeping me here longer than necessary! 

Lol...I guess I'm still a bit fired up about our shopping trip.  So much so that I didn't get everything on our list.  I actually went from the deli right over to the milk (opposite ends of the store) and went to check out.  I simply grabbed some stuff on the end of the aisles that I thought we would need and didn't bother 'shopping'. 

My mom came over just as we got home and she spent the next 2 hours with the girls while I cleaned.  I took out most of their toys from the living room and just made space.   It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate over time. 

The girls took naps...but Emily only slept about 45 minutes.  She spent the rest of 'nap time' with me just hanging out.  When Pete got home we ate dinner and then the girls got baths and did the whole bed time thing.  But then LB came home and the girls haven't really seen him in a few days so we let them get up out of bed to come down and play for a bit (we realized we put them to bed way too early anyway!). 

They are ALL coughing up phlegm like you wouldn't believe.  Emily has been coughing so hard she's been throwing up.  Lucky for me - I had a phone call last night from my cousin Jen.  She was awesome enough to leave me a message that said "Layer the bed with towels!" or maybe she said blankets but the point is...it helped.  Rather than having to change bed sheets every time one of them throws up - I just have to peel off the top layer and we're good to go! 

So today I feel accomplished because I have my living room back, kids are fed, bathed and in bed - and now I just have to wait and see how the night goes. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Stillllllll Sick!

Ugh...I keep saying to myself that 'tomorrow' will be easier and I'll get more done.  But then tomorrow comes and I get even less done than I planned - which means I'm not getting anything done from the day before.   I'm blogging this now with Hailey sitting next to me. 

She's better - but now she's coughing up so much mucus that she made herself throw up.  Since the other 2 slept through it - I'm opting to keep her with me and clean her bed at some point when the other 2 wake up...which will happen.  For now - it's some one on one with Hailstorm. 

Let me back up to yesterday (which seems forever ago).  The girls and I had a bridal shower to go to.  Yes - they were sick with croup.  But they are IN the wedding.  And - I thought it was important to be at the shower even for a short period of time.  Maybe not the best choice but hey - it's what I chose.  The shower was from 12 - 3...prime nap time.  So at 11:30 - off I went with 3 sick, non napping toddlers to a place full of people they didn't know.  I was just asking for trouble.  BUT they did great.  They sat in their chairs or on my lap for 2 hours.  Hannah even participated in a game by letting everyone at our table wrap her up in toilet paper as a 'toilet paper bride'.  Team player all the way!  The other 2 were so supportive of her too.  Hailey held Hannah's hand while we walked around and showed off our 'gown' and Emily stayed close as well.  We did leave around 2:15 because they were starting to get comfortable and after having to say 'please use your inside voice' twice...I decided we better split before we have a triple melt down. 

On the way home - they fell asleep.  So I drove home, picked up Pete and we drove around for an hour to let the girls nap.  If I had woken them up at home - they wouldn't have gone back to sleep.  Once we did get home - while getting Emily out of the car I felt her head and she was on fire!  Hmmm...maybe it's just me because it's hot and we were in the car for so long.  But Rosemary was here waiting for us - and she said the same thing.  I took Emily's temp and it was 104.5.  SHIT! 

I have options.  Tylenol (no question there).  Then it was either find a way to get her temp down or bring her to the ER.  I hate the ER.  It was still only around 4:00 so I figured we'll go out in the pool.  I convince them all to come outside and hang out and play in the pool for a bit. 

A neighbor of ours came by and we got to chatting.  Here I am - standing in the middle of a kiddie pool, covered in water, watching the girls play, making sure Emily is keeping cool when all of a sudden one of our elderly neighbors comes out onto her front steps and says "I think he's dead."  WHAAAAAT???  I say 'Excuse me?'  And she repeats herself.  "I think he's dead!"  Holy shit what do you mean you think he's dead?!?!  My lovely neighbor that I was chatting with says 'OMG you have to go - I can't go in there.  You HAVE to go check on him!"  Now...I'm all about helping out...don't get me wrong.  BUT with all due fairness to me, myself and I - I have 3 kids in a POOL.  I don't care WHO you are...I'm not leaving my kids unattended.  Friendly neighbor or not.  Just my luck that Pete pops his head out of the door right then and the neighbor says 'OMG you have to come out here!'  So Pete comes outside.  I say to watch the girls (about 3 or 4 times...because I know that in mass confusion - it only takes a MINUTE for something to happen).  Again...I'm walking up the porch to this neighbors house and I yell back "I'm leaving and the kids are in the pool - WATCH THEM'  I'm freaking out inside at what I'm about to see and also that my kids are in a pool (I know...it's just a kiddie pool but that's me). 

Now as we're walking up the stairs to the bedroom - the lady says 'He's cold and not moving and he's not breathing and I never should have left him alone.'  I'm ASSUMING that he's in bed and passed away in his sleep in the middle of the night.  I walk in the room and *GASP* he's on the floor, face down, head against a nightstand and in an almost fetal position.  He's ice cold, no pulse, and stiff as a board.  He's indeed dead.  I get his (at the time I thought they were married but later found out that they were just friends) friend downstairs and outside.  Pete was kind enough to say 'Is he dead?!?!'  Ahhh the sensitive part of men is amazing.  I say yes - and get our phone to call 911. 

The 911 call was jaw dropping.  1st someone answers and I explain that my elderly neighbor came home and found her husband and he's probably dead.  (I mean...what do you say?).  I'm transferred to someone else.  The someone else I spoke to was a woman and after quizzing me where I was calling from and why I was reporting something at a different location than where I lived she put me on hold.  She did take down the information and after SEVEN MINUTES on hold she came back on the line and said that emergency personnel had been dispatched to our location.  I say thank you and get ready to hang up the phone.  BUT she says "Ok - now I'm going to give you instructions on how to perform CPR."  In the span of about 3 seconds - a million and ten things ran through my head.  One of which was 'F*ck you lady!  I am NOT doing CPR on an 86 year old guy that's been dead for probably 24 hours now!'  But what came out of my mouth was 'ummm...I don't think that's necessary.'  She says "ummmm, well.....uh - lemme see..........uhhhhhhhh......well it says I have to instruct you how to do CPR so can you get to the patient?'  Right now I'm pissed.  She put me on HOLD for over SEVEN MINUTES and NOW she wants to tell me how to do CPR?!?!  WTF is wrong with our system?! 

Just so you know...I declined (which I can do).  If there was a chance I could have saved this guy...I never would have been the one to call 911 and I would have been pumping the shit out of his chest long before paramedics got there.  But dead is dead...and I'm not God and I'm in no position to bring someone back to life. 

And just so you also know - it only took about 5 minutes for a cop to come down and explain to this lady that "I'm sorry ma'am - he didn't make it" 

By this point - Pete had brought the kids inside - they certainly didn't need to see/hear all the sirens and emergency personnel.  I start to leave and a cop says he needs me to 'stick around for a bit'.  Every neighbor around here was out and buzzing - I was not only NOT needed there but I WAS needed at home.  I kindly explained that I had my own situation at home and said if he needed me he was more than welcome to knock on my door.  No knock came.  End of situation. 

I feel bad for his friend.  She never should have had to find him like that.  And I feel awful for him.  I hope to God he had a heart attack or stroke and died before hitting the floor.  I was infuriated with the 911 operator...but I'm also in no position to be complaining about the very people I just may need one day.  :) 

Emily's fever was down to 102 by bedtime.  Yay!  No need to go to the ER.  But bedtime was a nightmare.  I did call the doctor at some point during this mess and she called in some steroids for Hannah & Emily.  (Hailey was already on them from when she visited the doc on Thursday).  Pete went and got their meds - we knew we would have to wake them up to take them but so be it.  There was no way they would be able to stay awake until he got home. 

We wake up Emily & Hannah, give them their meds and all chaos breaks loose.  Emily was pissed off about having to take some meds and being woken up.  Hailey just woke up screaming.  And Hannah was so worked up that she threw up all over the place.  This was a F*CK IT moment.  I was tired.  Pete was tired.  I had nothing left.  I had 3 screaming kids, one huge mess of throw up to clean, and no patience.  So I simply said "Who wants to sleep in Mommas bed?"  SILENCE!  Followed by 3 'meeeeeeee's.   Great - let's go. 

3 kids plus Pete and myself...thank God for king sized beds.  Emily is a bed hog.  Add to that - her and Hannah couldn't stop coughing.  It was a miserable night.  Emily was wheezing, everyone was all over the place and finally Pete was like 'I can't take this...I'm putting them all back in their own beds.'  And we did.  But then I couldn't sleep because I was worried about Emily.  What a cycle huh? 

5:30 they wake up - and I get up with them.  Emily is still wheezing so I end up calling the doc and getting her in to be seen at 11:30.  Luckily my mom stopped over today - she was kind enough to watch the girls so I could shower...and then she said she'd come with us for a quick trip to the doctor.  LOL (quick...hahahahahaha).  We get there - and the doc wants an x-ray.  We get to x-ray and we have to wait for it to be read in case the radiologist wants more views.  3 hours later we're back home. 

X-ray was negative for pneumonia, doc called in some meds for the nebulizer and said to give her a treatment tonight if she starts wheezing again.  I'm hoping the steroids kick in and take over though. 

My mom left, the girls and I hung out, lounged, played in the pool, kept away from the neighbors, made a mess in the house, cleaned the mess in the house and then Pete came home.  Yay for Pete coming home!  (Sometimes I wonder why he doesn't keep driving and never look back!). 

He watched the girls while I made dinner and then it was quick to bed for the girls.  They didn't have good naps (napped in the car again) and didn't sleep well last night.

Then Hailey was coughing so bad she threw up.  Ugh...I'm NOT repeating last night.  So - back to the top of the post and you'll see where we are. 

Welcome to our life!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Crazy Sunday

Blogging from my phone - while in bed! Today was crazy. It involved:
A bridal shower
A fever of 104.5
A dead neighbor (no joke!)
2 more kids with croup
More steroids
3 kids in mommy & daddys bed for the night

More in detail when I'm not forced to blog from bed

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Still sick

Hailey is still pretty sick.  By the end of today she just looked miserable and her cough sounds horrible. Although it's 'better' now.  It's more of a congested sounding cough rather than a croup cough.  Emily & Hannah are stillllllllllll pooping! 

Friday, August 27, 2010

Croup AND Poop

The decision was made to keep all 3 kids home from school today rather than just Hailey.  I just don't think they would be ready for that.  Well - at least not Hannah.  She's still having a rough time with the separation in the morning and since she and Hailey are pretty much inseparable at school (per the teachers) I figured it would be best to keep her anxiety level to a minimum and kept all 3 of them home. 

Turns out to be a good move because I would have had to go get her and Emily anyway since they both have had diarrhea all day!  It's been a sh*tty day :)

I've been giving Hailey Tylenol/Motrin every 5 hours to keep her fever down.  She had a good night considering she has croup.  She only woke up a handful of times due to the cough.  The wheezing is better but you can tell all day she just wasn't herself.  I'm hoping tomorrow will be the turning point and she'll bounce back. 

On the parenting front it's been ROUGH.  Today was especially challenging for me since I was home with them all day - and nap time was cut short because Hailey couldn't stop coughing.  Nap time itself was the most challenging.  They didn't want to stay in their beds!  Grrrrr!  They don't usually get out of bed but they were just in rare form today.  I must have said 30 times that the person who wrote this book DIDN'T HAVE TRIPLETS!  How do you NOT yell?!?!  And they definitely didn't have a Hailey to deal with.  This kid just loves to push me above and beyond the limits. 

The gist of what I've read so far is about giving kids a choice in everything they do.  By giving them the choice you're giving them some control.  And it's when we lose control that things go haywire so it's all making sense.  And Pete and I both agree that it's working.  But not without wear.  Try it yourself for a few hours and you'll see what we mean.  Now think about the fact that we have been doing it all day for 3 days times 3 kids and I'm worn out!  LOL  But I'M NOT SCREAMING AND YELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!  And when the girls go to bed - I'm calm and happy...and so are they :)

Here's an example of choices: (remember...multiply by 3 because each child gets to choose).

Good morning!  Would you like mommy to carry you downstairs or would you like to go down by yourself?
It's potty time - would you like to use the big potty or the little potty?
Breakfast is ready - are you going to drink your milk 1st or eat some cereal 1st?
Time to get dressed for the day - are you going to put your socks on 1st or your pants?  *SNAG* Emmie doesn't want to get dressed.  My 'normal' reaction would be to say 'Too bad...we gotta dressed' and then argue and fight with her until she's dressed.  My 'new' reaction - "I'm sorry to hear you don't want to get dressed today.  We are going out later and you can't leave in your pj's!  I hope you decide to change so you're able to come bye bye with us later!"  It works.  She quickly replies "Emmie get dressed now!" 

Does it always work?  Nope!  But it's working enough to cut down on the stress level in a major way.  We're not giving up control of our parenting rolls but we're merely shifting control in a way that works for our family.  Giving the girls choices is a great idea.  It's keeping them with the 'in charge' feeling and making some of our drawn out transitions a lot smoother and quicker. 

I'll tell you this much too...it's HARD to happy 24/7.  Pete summed it up best...he said "So we have to be Mary Freakin' Poppins all day now?"  Hahahahahahaha! 

But really...sometimes I just don't feel like being a 'fun' mom.  There are times when I just want things to move along and move along quickly - because I say so.  I'm only human.  And guess what?  I even have these moments in public *gasp*! 

Today I didn't feel much like being a 'fun' mom but I did offer choices...I did not raise my voice...and only had to give one time out.  And lucky for me we get to do this all over tomorrow!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hailey has it.  She's on steroids (1st time for her) and hopefully will have her voice back soon since it's completely gone (not necessarily a bad thing right now lol). 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Could it be?

Dare I say even say it?  Did it work?  The girls were a PLEASURE to be with tonight.  Not one single tear was shed.  I even asked Hannah if she would like me to get her pj's on once.  And only once.  She actually looked at me and said 'Yes please.  See - Hannah's a good girl Mommy.'  That's what she said to me.  Hailey & Emily opted to have Pete get their pj's on - but without a hassle.  I asked Hailey and she said 'No - Daddy do it.'  Which was fine.  She chose Daddy and she let Daddy do it...the 1st time. 

Brushing teeth and reading books went just as well.  Hailey actually read us a couple of books tonight :)  She can recite the Brown Bear book...it's great.  "Brown Bear Brown Bear, what do you see?  I see a red bird looking at me......"  LOL

I must say - we didn't raise our voice a single time.  And they didn't cry a single time.  I know our chaos isn't cured but this was a night that we ALL needed.  They did get up out of their beds a couple of times but that's because Joey came home right as we were reading our last book for the night.  They were excited to hear him at 1st and then to call him from the top of the stairs and then to spend the next 15 minutes getting nothing but giggle time with him.  So rather than calm and relaxed when it was lights out - they were still full of giggles.  With that said - I know that 'provisions' need to be made for times like this.  We've all had such a miserable past few days that there was no way I was impeding on giggles and laughs.  Even if it was bedtime.  Since they weren't quite ready to fall right to sleep - they got out of bed.  Rather than yell at them and threaten to take something away - I said 'You don't have to go to sleep but you have to stay in your beds.  Sing Twinkle Twinkle to each other.'  This shouldn't have worked.  They're 2.  But it did work...and I'd like to rewind/replay this day all over again tomorrow!  (Minus the 102.3 fever that Hailey came home from school with...we'll leave that behind on replay). 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Game Over

Tonight was only better on my half.  The girls were miserable.  All of them.  As soon as I walked in the door they were cranky.  We managed to get midway thru dinner before a complete melt down.  Then there was a bit of calm while we gave them all a bath but as soon as the water was out of the tub it was instant chaos.  And I knew it was coming.  We must have conditioned them to be this way!  Because that's the only way I could have known that this was imminent.  But rather than lose my cool - I took a bit of advice from EVERYONE that gave it to me (and the book) and put it all together.  I asked once who would like me to get them dressed.  Emily came over to me.  Hailey screamed at me 'NOOOOOOOO MOMMA!  DADDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'  I ignored her completely.  Pete was fighting with Hannah who also screamed 'NO MOMMA!  DADDA DO IT!'  But once Pete was trying to get her dressed - she wanted me to do it.  I simply said 'No.  I asked you and you said you wanted Daddy so now Daddy will get you dressed.'  Nuclear meltdown. 

I finished getting Emily dressed and got out the hairdryer.  Hailey was still naked - Hannah only 1/2 dressed.  I blow dried Emily's hair - and the whole time Hailey was screaming at me that she wanted me to wait until she was dressed before I started drying anyones hair.  I just ignored her.  She threw her pj's, slapped Hannah, threw herself on the floor, screamed in my face...and I kept ignoring her. 

Once I finished drying Emily's hair I asked Hannah if she wanted me to dry hers.  She was dressed and Pete was working on getting Hailey dressed (who was still screaming).  Hannah said 'NO MOMMA DRY MY HAIR!  DADDY DO IT!'  So I simply said 'Ok.  When Daddy is finished getting Hailey dressed he can dry your hair.'  And I took Emily into the bathroom to brush her teeth.  More screaming from Hannah.  'MOMMA DRY MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!  MOMMA DO IT!  MOMMMMMMY!!!!!!!!!!!'  Over and over and over again.  I closed the bathroom door - and that just lead to an even greater level of meltdown.  I finished brushing Emily's teeth and brought her back in the room to get a book to read.  Hailey was asking me to wait so she could read too.  I said I would if she asked nicely and also let Pete brush her teeth. 

Mind you - I stayed calm.  Didn't raise my voice at all, was down at their level, ignored the misbehaved, rewarded the good behavior with some positive reinforcement...and Hailey caught on.  She realized I meant business.  She went and got her teeth brushed, came back in the room, asked me in the nicest way possible if she could sit on my lap and read me a book.  Hannah just could not get over herself.  She screamed in my face, slapped Hailey (tables turned), threw herself on the floor, wouldn't let Pete brush her teeth or dry her hair - just would not give up.  Emily found it hard to control herself too apparently because she joined in the meltdown with Hannah. 

I read 3 books to Hailey (the norm) and Emily came around by the last book.  Hannah was just beside herself that I would consider turning the page when she wasn't done throwing a fit.  How could I be so miserable to her?  Ha!  Easily my child.  One day you'll understand. 

So we finished books and Hailey got to turn off the lights like she normally does, Emily got to count to 10 in English and Spanish before being bounced on her mattress and Hannah even got to turn on the radio in between screams.  I on the other hand gave them all a kiss and said 'Good night!  I hope tomorrow is a better day.'  And that was it for me. 

By the time I was downstairs at least 2 of them were at the door but I refused to go back up there.  I always have to be the bad guy and I just don't have the patience for this any longer.  Somehow we managed to let them know that it's ok to yell, scream, hit and be miserable.  Because if we didn't 'let' this happen - it wouldn't be so continuous.  I told Pete that the tables are turned.  If he wanted peace and quiet - he was going to have to find a way to do it on his own.  He said that it 'works' when I go up there and tell them that it's time for bed and no more crying/getting out of bed.  But guess what?  It worked for him too - and I didn't have to be the bad guy. 

Plus - I think they might even have an inkling that I mean business.  I mean...what kind of Mom reads books to one child when the other 2 aren't 'ready'?!?! 

I will ask once if they would like their hair dried, once if they would like me to brush their teeth and once if they would like to get dressed after their bath.  One time.  I'm no longer going back and forth with the 'No Daddy do it, No Mommy do it, No Daddy do it, No Mommy do it!'  It seems to be a game to them now.  And I'm not playing.  I didn't read this in any book or get this advice from anyone and I'm sure that some of you (if you're still reading this) are thinking that it's a bit harsh.  I agree.  But the alternative is just as harsh because after last night I realized that an 'angry' me isn't worth anything at all.  So better to have a 'harsh' me.  You know what else?  They're not gonna die if they go to bed with wet hair, if they don't brush their teeth or even if they choose to go to bed naked! 

Monday, August 23, 2010


Something must give!!!  I can NOT take Hailey's anger ONE MINUTE LONGER!  She pushed me over the edge tonight.  I'm not going to get into it - because it's not pretty.  But - I did do some research real quick after they went to bed and I found that a lot of parents found this book helpful.  So after 3 stops at 3 different bookstores - I now own a copy.  I'm going to bed and probably won't sleep until I have all the answers!  (Which is why I bought a parenting book you see....)


I forgot to blog last night! Sorry - will update later.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Margarita Please

Yes - today is the day.  It's the annual Margarita Party...and I'm NOT missing it!  It's been a countdown for me all week long.  Marked on my calendar for at least 3 months now...and THIS.  IS.  THE.  DAY.

The kids are safe and sound at Pete's parents house (which I might add - I told them last night they were going to Grandma's tomorrow - and upon waking up this morning Hailey grabbed her bear as she got out of bed.  I said 'No honey - leave your bear here please.'  She quickly spat back "No!  I'm bringing my bear to Grandma's house!!!')  Fair.  Bring the bear. 

Pete and I will be incoherent in approximately 5 hours. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

What happened to Fun Fridays?!?!

The girls did ok with being dropped off at school today.  Hannah was a little upset but got over it pretty quickly.  But they had a rough day after that.  I think 5 days at school really took it's toll on them this week! 

Pete and Little Brother went to pick them up from school and they were in super good moods tonight so that made the night enjoyable.  After dinner, playtime, baths and bed - Pete and Little Brother headed out to a stag with Andy and Peter.  Andy is designated driver - the rest of them are probably drinking themselves into oblivion right now.  According to the text messages I'm getting - tomorrow is going to be a 'quiet' day in our house.  LOL

Thursday, August 19, 2010

School is going good

The girls slept good last night.  This morning they were a little resistant to go to school, Hannah said she didn't want to go to school.  It didn't last though.  I was able to get them to the car without any crying and they even sang twinkle twinkle on the way to school.  Now when we get to the building they all say look there is school.  We got in the school and down the hall to their class without a fuss.  Once we got in their room Hannah started to cry but I told her daddy will pick her up after work.  I said bye to all and off to work I go.  Hannah only cried for a few minutes.  They all had a great day coloring, playing outside, and Hailey was even singing.  Hannah showed off by putting a puzzle together without any help.  Tonight Carl and Uncle Andy came to visit.  We ordered pizza and had a fun time.  The girls went to bed without a fight tonight. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


1st let me start by saying the night/morning was rough.  Emily woke up at 1:00 and when Emily wakes up - the other 2 wake up because they know something is wrong.  But what was wrong was baffling to all of us.  She just couldn't get comfortable.  This went on for over an hour and 1/2.  Lovely.  By the time I fell back to sleep it was 3:30. 

We all got up and while rushing to get ready (of course we were up late because of the party we held in the middle of the night) the girls were just cranky.  They were lacking sleep too and as most of us know - a toddler who is tired = misery for everyone in earshot.  We managed to get through the morning (and also managed to figure out what was wrong with Emily - she was constipated...poor baby).  I kept telling the girls they were going to school and they would have fun and that Pete was going to pick them up. Hannah kept crying and saying 'Nooooo school!'  But I would just remind her how much fun it was and start talking about the things I know she likes to do at school.  She loves playing in the sensory table - this week it has rice.  She also loves going outside to play on the slide.  In addition - she loves using the computer. (Imagine?!?!  There is a computer just for them!!!!!).  She seemed to be listening to me (again...imagine a 2y/o listening to her mom) and she would agree that 'yeah' she liked doing these things.  I kissed them all goodbye and they were happy to see me off to work. 

Pete had the luxury of bringing them to school and he said that one of their teachers met them at the door today.  Hannah walked right up to her and gave her a hug!  So she picked up Hannah and they all headed to their classroom - NO TEARS!  NOT ONE SINGLE TEAR TODAY!!!!!!  Yay!  This makes me sooooo happy.  I know it might not go as well tomorrow - but we're not even through 2 weeks yet and already I know that they feel safe and secure there. 

And the teacher informed me that Emily was no longer constipated!!!  LOL

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hello Momma Bear

I'm nice.  I really am.  But if you make me mad for whatever reason - I'm going to tell you so.  And I'm NOT going to beat around the bush. 

Today - Pete told me that when he got to the school, the director and one of the girls teachers met him in the hallway.  They immediately corralled the girls into a different room than they are suppose to be in.  It was already after 8:00 and Pete was running late so he didn't have time to argue.  Are you kidding me?  As the director of a child care facility you should know that putting the girls in a different room on week #2 is just asking for a set back.  Not to mention an earful from their momma!  When I called the school at 9:30 like usual - the director answered the phone (she usually does at this time).  I let her know that I wasn't happy about what happened, nor do I expect it to happen again until I say that they can be in a different room. She cut me off saying 'Well if the girls are dropped off before 8:00 they will certainly have to go in that room...'  To which I immediately replied "They have not and will not be dropped off before 8:00.  I understand the center can be short staffed and there's nothing you can do about that.  Next time I expect that you will inform myself or Pete that there isn't a teacher for their room and we will stay with the girls in their room until a teacher is available."  Yes - I was very blunt.  But I was angry that someone who should be more in tune with helping kids to transition would do something like this. 

I don't like to make waves - but what I don't like even more is any more unnecessary additional transitions for the girls right now.  We are working so hard at home to make sure that every single thing is stable in their life to help them adjust to the transition to school.  It might seem minor to you and me but I assure you - ANY change in my girls life is major.  They notice when I change their pillowcases and sheets on their bed, if I wear a new shirt or their toys have been moved.  Any type of change is picked up.  And it's not always welcome.  It took Emily THREE WEEKS to walk upstairs by herself because I moved a radio from her room to the top of the stairs.  She would NOT walk by the radio.  It didn't belong there.  Why did I leave it?  Because eventually they will have to learn to deal with change.  It's my job as their mom to help them learn to deal with change.  But it's a fine line to walk and I'm never sure when I'm going to do the right thing or not.  But I can tell you that when I feel strongly about something I'm going to go with my gut. 

With that said - the girls will be going back to school tomorrow.  And the day after, and the day after....lol

Monday, August 16, 2010


The girls hated being dropped off at school today.  They started crying at home and didn't let up until long after being dropped off at school.  So goes Monday's.  But they said goodbye to the teachers and agreed to go back tomorrow. 

I'm frustrated tonight.  It's like they've worn me down again.  I could have the best day - but then a 10 minute meltdown before bed can just destroy my good attitude.  And lately - it's been harder because usually the mornings are great but since school started - the mornings suck just as much as the nights do.  I know it'll pass...but it doesn't make it easier. 

They push and shove each other like nothing.  They'll smack each other, pinch each other and then scream in each other's faces like nothing.  BUT if one of them 'hurts' one of their baby dolls they all start crying!  So basically - the motto is kill your sisters but don't you dare touch our baby dolls.    ?????? 

I understand why people say 'enjoy every moment - it goes by so fast'  It's because you're so focused on getting through the day - you lose yourself in living for the next minute instead of living in the moment.  But how do you live in the moment when it sucks?!?!  Screw that - I'll live in the moments that are enjoyable.  The rest of them?  I'll just count down the minutes to bedtime! 

Hannah - stop shoving your sisters!  It's NOT NICE! 

Emily - stop throwing every meal you're given on the floor!  I don't want to wash the floor 3 times a day!  Nor do I have time to wash the floor 3 times a day! 

Hailey - stop saying NO to every single thing we ask of you!  If I ask you to rip off your arm...feel free to scream NO but when I say it's time to eat, get changed, go outside, take a bath, put your shoes on or anything else - screaming NO is NOT A REQUIREMENT OF TODDLER HOOD!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad

Everyday I think of something more I'd like to tell you.  Everyday I see something else I'd like to show you.  Everyday I miss you.  Wish you were here to celebrate your birthday.  We all miss you and love you.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I'm not feeling well - and way too tired to blog tonight.  I woke up with a wicked sore throat and right now all I wanna do is take some medicine (anything that'll knock me out!) and go to bed.  The girls had a great day today.  Yesterday they went to Pete's moms house (we told them school was closed for the weekend - they're still too young to know that the weekend isn't really 3 days).  I did explain that Monday they would be going back - and I keep reminding them periodically.  Tomorrow we're going to make some drawings for the girls teachers - and then Monday they will be able to bring the pictures in to school with them.  I'm sure it won't ease the Monday Madness that Pete and I are gearing up for - but I'm doing everything I can to make this an easier transition for them...and so if you have an ideas, advice, suggestions......anything - hand it over !

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fun Friday

It's fun Friday - Pete and I are OUT!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 4

What a KILLER!  I went in to work late so I could help Pete bring the girls to school.  O.M.G.!!! They tortured us.  They just don't want to GO to school.  But once they're there - they are fine (after a while).  The teachers name is Elizabeth ie: Miss Elizabeth.  I speak to her twice a day and she's always very helpful and honest.  I love honesty.  I would hate for someone to tell me that the girls are 'just fine' when they really aren't.  I assured her that no matter what - they WILL be coming back so not worry about scaring me away with the truth.  Hey...they're my kids - I know them well enough to know that this isn't going to be an easy road for them.  I just didn't realize how hard it would be for ME!  LOL

Elizabeth told me today that Hannah took a lot longer to calm down than she has the past 3 days and it was a lot longer than the other 2 as well.  I suggested that the next time this happens - take them for a tour of the infant room.  Hannah LOVES babies.  She'll be 'quiet' so she won't scare the babies and it'll redirect her.  So far - the school and teachers have all been very good about not only listening to what I suggest but putting it work as well.  Elizabeth has been a great help and the girls really do like her. 

When I called at 1:30 to check on them again - she said Hailey was talking a whole bunch more today and that Emily was being silly all day!  GREAT!  Then she said 'Oh and Emily loves playing with the boys!'  Grrrrrr!  LOL (sort of).   I'm glad to know they're getting more comfortable with the school.  Though I must say - I didn't warn them yet that once the girls feel 100% comfortable being there and with their surroundings...everyone is S C R E W E D screwed.  Oh yeah.  You think they won't use their little brains to conspire against the teachers?  Ha!  Oh and the poor parents that have kids in the same class as the trio...sorry!  Really I am.  I can't be held accountable for you child coming home and asking for a twin sibling.  :)

One thing that did put me on alert today was that the class will be watching the movie Madagascar this month sometime.  They are learning about Africa this month and one the activities is to watch this movie.  *Gasp* says the mom that only lets her kids watch Barney or Mickey Mouse.  I did come out and say that the girls aren't really big TV watchers and they only watch TV in the morning when we're changing them for the day.  They've never actually sat down to watch a movie and I'm not sure they would even sit through a movie if we tried.  But the major concerning thing is that I'm not sure I want them watching Madagascar.  I've seen previews and it's not exactly 100% kid friendly.  Hannah has nightmares already...and I don't know if watching a movie would make it worse for her. 

Yes - I know that when I read this in 3 or 4 or 50 years from now I'll think to myself 'self - you were crazy then too!'  But the fact of the matter is that these are things I think about.  I'm not sure yet if I'll let them watch the movie or ask the school to find something else for them to do.  I'm not even sure I'll let them watch TV at all.  I don't allow it at home (other than the morning) and quite frankly...I don't feel they need it.  The TV isn't even ON when the kids are home.  With music, books, toys and each other - they don't have a need for TV.  (Trust me there are times when I wish they WOULD sit down to watch a movie...I could get so much done!). 

Tomorrow...we're bringing the girls to Pete's parents house.  We told the kids that it's the weekend - and the school is closed on the weekends.  I don't want them thinking that they're going to be able to cry their way out of school.  But I didn't want them full of anxiety thinking about having to go to school tomorrow either.  So at bedtime tonight I simply said tomorrow starts the weekend and since the school is closed you'll be going to Grandma's house.  But on Monday we'll go back to school to see your friends and teachers.  Ugh it's so hard to know what the right thing to do is.

And you know what else is hard?  Not over compensating in other areas to make up for the guilty feelings of abandoning them at school!  Where the hell is the Child Rearing 101 classroom?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drive to school

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 3 of School

Sucked!  The girls did NOT want to go to school today.  They fought every step of the way and even had Pete considering staying home.  Hannah cried so hard she threw up all over herself.  After he changed her - all 3 of them peed/pooped so he had to change all 3 of them.  (I had already left for work).  Then he went up stairs to get his phone - and heard Hannah scream.  He came downstairs to see Hannah had a mouthful of blood.  Hailey either pushed her into something or threw something at her.  He cleaned her up - and then had to convince them to put their shoes on to walk to the car.  Yeah right.  NOPE!  They weren't going to put their shoes on because that meant they were going to school.  He told them they weren't going to school right away.  They were just going to the van 1st...somehow that worked.  So he gets them in the car and on the way - Emily kept saying 'Emmie want to go to Daddy's house!'  Once at school - they refused to walk through the door.  The teachers had to come and get them.  What. A. Mess.

But I called to check on them and the teacher said it took about 10 minutes for them to calm down (which could be a lifetime if you're listening to 3 kids scream their heads off).  It's still heart wrenching. 

Then at home tonight - Hailey was a BEAR.  She wouldn't eat dinner, threw her fork across the room, then threw her food on the floor!  After bath - I was blow drying Emily's hair and Hailey got mad that I didn't dry her hair 1st so she came over and smacked Emily in the head.  GRRRRR  She made me so freakin' mad! 

Tomorrow has to be better.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 2 of school

The girls didn't do as well today as they did yesterday.  They had a really rough start to the morning when Pete and Joey dropped them off.  Hannah cried - and when she realized that Pete wasn't going to take her she called to 'Uncle Joeeeyyyyy'.  It's heart wrenching to say the least. 

When I called the 1st time to check in on them - the teacher said they were having a rough start but the 2 minute warning that they would be changing activities seemed to be working well.  She mentioned something about them not wanting to physically move from one place to another (sort of just standing there even though they have been told that it's time to go do something else).  I suggested (and this is something I do at home too) that she use a puppet to talk to them.  LOL - it sounds crazy but when you have 3 kids...yelling and saying the same thing over and over and over again just doesn't work.  Puppets...they work!  So when I called back to check on them the 2nd time - she said 'Wow!  The puppets work like a charm!'  Haha.  I can only imagine what these people think of me already! 

When we put them to bed tonight Hannah said 'I no go to school tomorrow.'  I said 'Yes - you have to go to school tomorrow.'  She replied 'No.  Hannah going to Amma's house.'  Statement.  Fact.  Not a question.  Not a suggestion.  She simply is going to Grandma's house tomorrow.  Ha!  I explained that tomorrow is school and she'll be in attendance.  Oh boy...it's gonna be a long road.

Monday, August 9, 2010

1st Day of School

Well - it went well.  Probably better than I anticipated.  When we 1st got to the school the 3 girls started running right up to the door.  Hannah has been soooo excited to go to school.  But as she got close to the door she stopped.  You could physically see the anxiety in her eyes as she said to me 'Hannah no go inside momma.'  Oh it broke my heart into a million pieces.  She was trying so hard to be a big girl and yet she had that sinking feeling of starting something new and she just wasn't sure she could do it. 

But we went inside.  And they did great once we were in.  They were hesitant at 1st but Pete and I were able to leave them for a few minutes to get all their things situated.  Once we had everything put away (a lot of stuff for the 1st day) - we had to say goodbye.  Emily & Hannah were ok with it but Hailey might have broken a few windows with her ear piercing scream.  Pete and I left knowing that it would be best not to stick around and try to calm her down.

I called the school around 9:30 to check in and the teacher said they were doing ok.  She said it took Emily some time to get adjusted but they were happy playing with some new toys.  I called again at 1:30 and the teacher said 'Wow - they sure have a hard time transitioning.'  I knew this.  And I warned them.  But you never know the full extent of it until you experience it.  I said 'I'm sure Emily is having a hard time with this.'  And she replied 'Yes - she's having the roughest time of the 3.'  I suggested just using the '2 minute' rule.  Let them know 2 minutes in advance that something new is coming their way...weather it's going to be time to go out, time to come in, time to use the potty, time to eat...etc.  We do this with Emily at home.  And this is something I picked up from my cousin Jen who uses this same rule with her son.  It works.  She also said 'They go to sleep really easy!'  I guess once it was nap time they all washed up and went right to their cot.  They sure do love their sleep.

The girls also didn't eat much today (which I also knew would happen).  But they got dirty, they painted, they sang songs and somehow Emily convinced them all that she was allowed to have her bunny (lovie) outside of naptime!  This is even something I told the teachers about in advance!  I said 'she will do anything to keep this but we only allow it at bed time'  and they all agreed it was a rule at the school too....only at nap time.  Yeah right!  Pete said when he went to pick them up - they were in a different room, playing play dough and there was Emily with her bunny!  LOL   I'm POSITIVE the teachers tried to take it away.  And I'm also positive Emily threatened the life of all of their grandchildren if they attempted to touch her bunny.  She wins.  Just like Mommy - she's persuasive and persistent.  :) 

They didn't do very well on the potty but that was also to be expected.  I knew they wouldn't feel comfortable talking to the teachers and letting them know they had to go.  They do 'try' every 2 hours but Emily wouldn't even sit on the potty. 

When they all got home they were SO full of energy.  I really don't think they said much of anything at school today because of how shy they all are.  So once they were home it was all talk.  Even some very loud singing. 

I have a feeling every night will be bath night now because they were filthy from being outside and playing in the sand table.  Along with painting and coloring and whatever else they did.  After their bath - we brushed teeth, read books and turned off the lights.  But the girls were so full of chatter!  They talked and talked and talked to each other for about an hour before falling asleep.  They had a lot to say - but don't ask me what because it was all their own triplet babble.  

Speaking of which - lately Emily has been trying to tell me things.  Every once in a while she stumps me and I just don't get what she's trying to say.  So I turn to Hannah and say 'What does Emily want?' and she's able to tell me.  But I might also add that when Hannah tells me - she gives me that 'what's the matter with you?' look. 

They all agreed to go back to school tomorrow so that must mean they liked it a little bit right?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fun Sunday

Today turned into a great day!  Emily went with Titi Rosemary for some much needed 'Emmie' time.  Hannah & Hailey and I went to the beach with Kim and her family.  Pete stayed behind and got some much needed 'Pete' time.  We all had FUN! 

I don't know much about Emily's day other than what she told me.  Which wasn't much.  But I was told she had fun and she was a good girl all day.

Hannah & Hailey were amazing.  They didn't cry or whine at all for anything!  They didn't sleep on the way to the beach so I thought for sure that they would have a melt down eventually but nope.  They enjoyed every bit of the day.  They loved the water and they loved the sand!  They enjoyed some ice cream and fries along with a sandy sandwich :)  Then a shower to rinse of the sand before heading back to the beach house for some good cookin'!  The ride home took about 2 hours and once again - the girls were fine.  They slept for a while but not the whole time and when they were awake they just played or watched what was going on outside.  No whining or crying at all. 

They're all sleeping now and we have to get ready for tomorrow.  Day 1 at The Learning Experience!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Here's to an amazing guy, wonderful husband and an awesome dad!  We get through every day knowing that we have you behind us to support us, help us, cheer us on and pick us up when we fall.  You're our husband and father and you're simply the best!  We love you!!!!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Fun Friday

Today was fun for sure. But will have to blog about it tomorrow. Have a good night...and here's a BIG shout out to Chris P for sleeping in a big boy bed, in a big boy room - with no gate! No small feat...making progress in leaps and bounds. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010


The girls slept all night last night...not a peep out of them (that I can remember lol).  I'm still tired...and going to get some much needed sleep!  Tomorrow we're going to the school with the girls to hang out for a while and get them a bit more comfortable with everything.  Hopefully all will go well!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hump Day

So I'm coming to terms with the simple fact that perfection will never be achieved - nor is it expected. 

This post is short because twice now it has deleted what I wrote.  Therefore - I'm not rewriting and am throwing in the towel on this too!  Good night !

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


As parents of triplets we're forced to ask for help in areas where we never would have needed help had we not been giving 3 kids at one time.  But with this help - comes frustration.  Because you can't expect people to help without giving their input.  In case people haven't realized...I'm the kind of 'do it my way' person.  And since they're my kids...I do in fact get to do it my way...when I'm here to do it.  Otherwise - it's everyone else's way.  And the problem with this is that there is no longer any consistency at all. 

Potty training is a bust.  Why?  Because there are just too many people that have a 'say' in how to train 3 toddlers on the potty.  It's my way when I'm home...but that's it.  Everyone else does it their own way.  Pete, his mom, his sister, Joey...whoever.   And I'm frustrated because I feel like it should be my way since they're my kids.  But other people think it should be their way since the girls are with them.  This is just an example...it goes across the board.  Eating, sleeping, how they dress (or don't dress), playing, talking, using their words (as oppose to whining for something they want).  The list goes on.  I'm not ungrateful for the help we get - because Lord knows that life would be much more difficult if we didn't have help. I'm just frustrated that I didn't get the opportunity to raise kids my way.  Too often I'm left throwing in the towel because it's a losing battle and no matter how much I talk - I'm outnumbered and talking gets me nowhere.  

I'm not a control freak and I don't want to micro manage their every move.  But I do want certain things to be done certain ways.  But my wants and needs are like opposing magnetic fields.  Lately I feel like I'm just the person that people come to when something needs to get done.  "Where's the girls bathing suits?  Did you get their bags ready?  I need the paperwork from the doctors office!  What's for dinner?"  The list goes on.  I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that actually gives the girls a time out for anything they do wrong.  Just feeling like I always have to be the 'bad guy' and always the one that has to make sure things get done but never gets a say in how they get done. 

Not only do I get judged at home - but would you believe that some old hag at the grocery store had the nerve to grunt at me under breath while saying 'Ugh...kids having kids'.  WTF!  This was because Hannah happened to be having a 2y/o moment of throwing herself on the floor while crying.  I certainly wasn't going to coddle her and give her whatever she wanted.  I looked at Hailey and said 'Let's go.  Hannah can come with us if she'd like.'  But this old lady walks by and says to Hannah "Ohhhh sweetie are you ok?' (just what I need....someone to give Hannah some positive reinforcement for this kind of tantrum).  I quickly say 'She's fine.  Just having a moment.'  Which is when the old hag grunts and comments.  I'm not even going to repeat what I said to her...let's just say there was NO holding back and she's probably still home crying right now.  But you know what?  I don't care!  Who the hell are you to comment that I'm a 'kid having kids'???  It's Tuesday - and this happened on Sunday - so you can only imagine how fired up I was during the moment. 

I'm just tired and frustrated.  It seems lately that there are more frustrating days than good days and really all I want is to have time to enjoy my kids rather than having to make sure that I'm one step ahead of the game in getting every single detail of the next moment planned out.

Monday, August 2, 2010


I really dislike Monday's...more and more.  I would love to just be a stay at home mom - but I only have 3 more years left to reach my 10 years at UConn.  That means free college tuition for the girls (provided they attend UConn) and health benefits when I retire.  Only 3 years.  But it's like these next 3 years are going to be the toughest for child care.  They're not 'easy' to take care of and it's not cheap to put them in daycare (it's costing me more than I make).  But the benefits to daycare are that the girls will be with other kids their age and they'll have a schedule.  It's going to be a tough adjustment for all of us - but we'll make it work somehow.

Hailey and Hannah were both up and down for about an hour and 1/2 last night.  They just couldn't get comfortable and settled enough to sleep (at midnight!).  So it was a rough night.  Donna and Pete's mom came today and apparently they all tried 'painting' their nails with playdough today so they could look like Donna.  LOL!  Even during their bath I told Emily that her nails were dirty.  She was soooo offended.  She said 'No sucio mommy!  Pretty like Donna!'   Hahahahaha! 

I'm in trouble when it comes to girlie stuff like doing hair and painting nails...it's just not something I ever got into.  Looks like I'll have to work on my girlie side and learn a thing or two!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

There IS a God

I know this because Pete and I didn't get home until 3:00 this morning.  And we thought for sure the kids would be up at 5 and one of us (me) was looking at only 2 hours of sleep.  BUT the girls didn't wake up until 7:30!  SCORE!!!  I'll take an extra 2.5hrs of sleep any day! 

It was a good day - but I'm not ready for tomorrow to be Monday.  I never get everything done on the weekends.  There's always 'more' to do but - tomorrow will come and the to do list will just have to keep growing. 

We have one week to prepare the girls for their start at daycare.  I think they're going to handle this much better than I am...