Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Grrrr.  You 3 better sleep in tomorrow cuz I don't have to work!  Today was good.  The girls had a good day.  I broke a cap on my tooth eating candy today - of course.  So I have an appt with the dentist tomorrow.  Hopefully it won't be too long - I'll be briniging the trio with me.  Andy is gonna be around to help out for the day since we have an appt for Emily in the morning with the orthopedic foot doctor.  Oh and our furniture is supposed to come tomorrow morning - providing the truck doesn't get stolen again. So tomorrow is going to be a long day.


1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry this is the first comment of mine that you are actually receiving....for some reason, my Iphone comments won't go through.
    It seems that the Trillizas are contagious and have given their Prima Sofia the same "waking up at the crack of dawn" sickness!! She is still in a crib though, so we can ignore her and cross our fingers that she will go back to sleep!
    Hope all gets better!
