Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Doctors visit

Hailey has had a chunky gunky cough and a runny drippy nose for 10 days now.  The spiteful person in me wants to post something nasty and send it to the people who think they know how to deal with sick kids.  But since I've decided not to give them any more blog space since they don't deserve it...I'm going to post about what we actually did. 

We waited out the 'cold'.  Again - don't forget that a cold lasts a lot longer in our house.  So 10 days for a cold really isn't that bad.  But since it was only Hailey, the other 2 didn't catch it, and it wasn't getting better - I thought maybe it turned into a sinus infection.  So I made plans to bring her to the doctor this afternoon.

They girls slept all night last night (thank you thank you thank you) and I brought them to my mother in laws today.  They seemed to be in pretty good moods (thank you thank you thank you again).  I called the doctor and made an appt for 3:30.  Decided I was going to take all 3 with me so I didn't have to go back and pick up the other two...we could just head home.

Here's how it goes when you bring 3 toddlers to an appt (and remember...only 1 of them was seen).  And this was a PERFECT day.  I left work at 2:30 so I could pick up the girls at 2:45.  They were ready to go except that 2 of them needed to be changed real quick.  So I changed the 2 and put all 3 in the car.  Strapped them in and off we go.  The doctor's office is only a short drive from there so we arrived in the parking lot at about 3:05.  I got all 3 out of the car and it was raining.  No worries...my girls love the rain because we actually go puddle stomping in the rain.  It's cheaper than buying umbrellas and rain boots.  (If you can't beat 'em - join 'em!).  So we head inside.  Work our way up to the 2nd floor and down the longest hallway we ever have to walk.  Into the office we go - we check in around 3:20 and then sit down to play with the toys (yes - the very same toys I swore I would never in a million years let my children touch or play with). 

The whole way there I was telling them 'Only Hailey is going to get on the scale today.  It's her turn.'  Because if just one of them gets to do something - it usually causes a meltdown.  But if you warn them and keep them posted on what's coming next - these things are easier to handle.  Once we were called into the back they all came along, walking nicely, saying hi, waving and being very good.  Hailey got up on the scale (21.2lbs!!!!) and then Emily said 'my turn' and started to get on the scale.  I gently reminded her that it was Hailey's turn today and she can't step on the scale.  Hannah helped me remind her by saying 'No Emmie.  Not your turn.  Hailey's turn.'  Then Hailey had her temp taken and we all headed down the hall to the exam room. 

Once in the room - they started the 'pop pop' mantra.  We talked about how all of them would in fact get a pop pop even though it was only Hailey's turn to be examined by the doctor today.  We discussed what color pop pops they were going to get (Hannah would like purple, orange, yellow, green, pink and red).   The 3 of them were all up on the exam table when the doctor came in.  Right away Hannah pointed to Hailey and said to the doctor 'Only Hailey today.'  Hailey sat there and let the doctor listen to her heart and lungs, look in her ears (one was red and has some fluid...probably a few days away from a full infection), look in her mouth and check out her nose.  She has a sinus infection :(   While she wrote out the Rx for antibiotics she asked if I would like her to check out the other 2 real quick since they were there.  Normally - I would have said sure.  But since I made such a big stink about this visit being only for Hailey - I said no thank you.  If they start to show signs of being sick - I'll bring them back in.  She totally understood.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love the girls doctor?  She's amazing for sure. 

We headed out of the room and over for pop pops.  They all got to choose ONE pop and were very excited to pop it right in their mouth too.  We said our goodbyes and headed back to the car.  The elevator was packed and it was hard to get the girls on because they don't like to share such close quarters with strangers. 

We got to the car and strapped in - all by 4:15.  Then we headed in the direction of home.  We passed our condo and headed for CVS so we could fill Hailey's Rx.  We went in.  This was nail biting for me because the last time I took the 3 of them to CVS to fill their Rx's (all 3 were sick only a few weeks ago) they were monsters!  But they were very good today.  They sat in the chairs while I gave the pharmacy tech the Rx and let her know we'd be waiting for it.  Then we went shopping.

We bought 3 bags of teddy grahams.  Headed back to the chairs and the girls sat for 30 minutes.  Not a peep out of them.  Just one teddy graham after another.  I will be buying these in stock from now on. 

The Rx was finally ready and we headed home.  Got in the house about 5:10.

So there you have it.  One child sick.  One of me.  3 of them.  One visit to the doctor.  Not one meltdown.  Not one whine or cry.  Not one misstep, accident, fall or boo boo.  I didn't even have to change their diapers in this period of time.  All of this - and it took from 2 hours and 40 minutes. 

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