Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Why do people insist on judging me and my family?  This time it went a bit too far.  I'm leaving out the who/when/where of it because as much as I like to blog - I'm not about to air anyone's dirty laundry (you're not blog worthy material anyway).  But I just feel as though people don't know how to butt out.  Why can't people just be supportive?  Does anyone think it's easy for Pete and I?  Because if so - you're right.  It is easy.  Because we make it easy.  We decide to pick our battles and we choose them carefully. 

We decided early on that our life would no longer be about the people around us but it would now be about our girls.  We don't have a pristine living room - we have a play room that has a couch for us to sit on.  Even then most times you'll see us on the floor with the girls.  We don't have huge house - we have a condo.  But it's still ours.  And we don't have 'things' in terms of brand name style - but we have what we need and we pay our bills on time.  I don't shop for new clothes unless they are on sale and then I buy in bulk for next season.  It's how we save $.  I don't let our kids watch TV.  I don't let our kids talk back to me.  I don't let them run in the street either.  I also don't let them over consume sugary sweets.  I don't let them go out in their pj's...and I make sure they are dressed every single day.  I make them brush their teeth twice a day and I also make them say please and thank you.  I don't give in when they whine or cry.  I don't let them play in their bedroom - it's for sleeping only (hence the playroom that used to be a living room).  I also don't make them eat everything on their plate before they are required to ask to be excused from the table.  And I don't let them eat if they're not sitting at the table where they belong. 

I spend my days playing and my nights cleaning up after them.  I spend my waking hours worrying about the next illness and if they're going to be well enough to go on a playdate that we may have planned.  What I don't do is waste my time judging other people and how they raise their kids.  But I do take

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