Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good Day

Girls slept all night and woke up in good moods.  They got a big marshmallow for being so good.  The girls had a good day at Grandma's house.  I, daddy, had to pick them up today as mommy had a dinner to go to for work.  The girls didn't give me a hard time and sang all the way home.  Joey was home to help me get them in the house and dinner was ready so we sat down and ate.  Then we played for a little while before I put their pj's on.  Then we brushed teeth, read books and they went to bed.  They didn't put up a big fight, I had to "rub back" longer than I probably should have but they went to bed none the less.

1 comment:

  1. Well then sounds to me like it should be Daddy's job to put the girls to bed each night.
