Monday, June 7, 2010


I'm slowing losing my gusto to do this blog.  The girls did sleep over Pete's parents house last night.  Sleep was great - I don't think I even rolled over once my head hit the pillow.  You probably could have had a party in my room and I would have slept through it - all I knew was that I didn't have to listen for the kids....

Today sucked.  Not blogging material.  Just more drama.  This time family drama.  I got a bad phone call before leaving for work.  Lovely way to start off a Monday. 

Then I'm driving to work and thinking 'it sucks to not kiss my babies 1st thing in the morning.'  So I drove to my in laws to say good morning.  I also brought some diapers they needed and the girls sun hats.  When I knocked on the door this is what happened (pretty much all at once).  The 3 girls were right there.  I handed Hailey the sunhats and she started to shut the door - she wasn't ready to go home yet.  (Duh...she had just woken up).  Hannah was just looking at me - I could tell she was processing the fact that I had to work (I was in work clothes) and she somehow knew I wasn't there to pick her up.  Emily looked at me and said 'Emmie work with mama' and started to walk out the door.  3 totally different personalities.  But I got my kisses and hugs, they got their sunhats and diapers.  :)

Bed time tonight was rough.  Hailey was over tired - we missed the boat on getting them to bed by 7.  They didn't actually get in bed until 7:30 so by that time Hailey was done.  She cried and screamed and bargained and begged and demanded things....for almost 45 minutes before falling asleep.  We went in there a few times - but not many and it will get less and less.  I have a feeling she knows we'll keep coming in the more she cries. 

Why couldn't they come with instructions?


  1. No instructions can prepare you for any of what you are going through. You just have to take one day at a time. Minute by minute if you have to. And like you said they each have their own personalities, factor in that one too have your own personality and this just means that instructions one size fits all wouldn't work. Keep on keeping on girl, look how far you've gotten already. Look at how much fun they are, think about their first day of school. Soon there after there will be sports, and boys, cars, college, etc. A lot of great stuff to look ahead to. Hard to see that future when you have somewhere to be and all three are pitching fits for one thing or another, but if you can picture them stumping and carrying on the day they get their first car or the day they put on a wedding dress, at least that might make you smile.

  2. Don't lose your gusto!!! I NEED you to keep blogging!!! How else am I going to know that sometimes 16 month olds wake up in the middle of the night and need extra love? And that it is ok to give it? I keep all your details filed away so that when it is my turn, I know what to do!!!
    Hang in there!!
