Saturday, June 12, 2010


Ok - so I was browsing my recommended 'friends' on FB and I happen upon a page of a woman who has 7 kids.  Then I realize she's only 1 year younger than myself.  And I think 'wow - 7 kids...that's just insane'.  But you know what the insane thing is?  She has 2 sets of triplets PLUS an infant!  I need a drink just thinking about it..........

Pete and I took the girls to the mall today after their nap time.  And LB joined us - he brought with him our cousins 2 is 6 the other is 2.  So imagine our crew...four 2 y/o girls and a 6 y/o boy.  I had the girls dressed alike...if I only had one more outfit to match it would have been great.  Anyway - having 5 kids with us for only a few hours was enough to make me wanna pull my hair out.  That's just too many to keep track of.  It reinforced my plan to never reproduce again.  3 is a great number...I'll stick to that. 

When we left the mall LB took his 2 kiddo's and we took our 3 and went our separate ways.  When Pete and I got home we had only pulled into the parking lot and figured 'let's go grocery shopping' so off we went.  The girls were a tad confused about getting home but then leaving before even getting out of the car lol.   Grocery shopping is much easier when the girls and I go solo.  Pete gets pretty anxious about shopping with the girls - but I'm not sure why.  I think because he feels the need to focus on them while also trying to focus on making sure things get into the grocery cart.  When the girls and I go solo - I just make sure I get 3 kids back into the we have recently learned - sometimes not all the groceries make it.  (Sorry Kim!).  See the girls sit IN the cart - which leaves the BOTTOM of the cart for groceries.  Sometimes things slip out of the bottom - and if you're not keeping track (why would I?  Once I put it's there!) then if it slips off the bottom of the end up feeding people you invite over for dinner just carrots cuz you have no chicken to offer.  But the point is - we have 3 kids sitting at the table!!!  :) 

Anyhow - after shopping we came home and the girls were in wild moods.  They were running around like crazy.  Laughing, giggling, name it.  Then it was time for dinner.  I made a chicken in the crock pot today (yup...that chicken made it home from the store).  Emily dumped her milk onto her plate full of food.  I put her in time out.  She pooped her pants while in time out.  She did NOT have a diaper on.  I'm pretty sure that was her way of saying 'take that mom!'  She finally ate her chicken and rice - sans milk. 

Bed time has been easier lately and I think it's because we're putting the girls to bed BY 7:00.  Not letting them go beyond 7 seems to be key.  But no worries - I'm sure that as soon as we get use to will change and we'll have to find another way. 

But hey - we have it easy with ONLY one set of triplets!

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