Thursday, February 25, 2010

Passively Negative?

I find that people don't share the same excitement that I carry about triplets. I have had people look at me and say 'oh better you than me!' or 'OMG you've got your hands full!'. I answer both with 'yes - better me than you for sure.' and 'As well as my heart.' But what I don't understand is why people feel they need to be so negative? There's someone that has passed comments about the girls and I remember the very 1st time we met and she found out I had triplets. She said to me 'We wonder about our blessings sometimes don't we?' I immediately replied without thinking and said 'Nope.'

So here you go. If you see someone that you think has a little more on their plate than usual - say something positive! I'm so a believer in the power of positive thinking. And if you can say one thing - it might make a difference. I LOVE when people say to me 'God Bless you!' or 'congratulations!' and they truly mean it! It makes me feel so warm and special. It makes me a proud mama! Because THESE. ARE. MY. BABIES. So no - I don't 'wonder' about my blessings. And I am very excited and looking forward to their 'terrible two's' that you've all warned me about. And you know what? I'm also enjoying the extra kisses, hugs, snuggles and smiles...times 3. ;-)

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