Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 132

What a night and what a day. Emily and I spent the better part of 4 hours at the ED last night. Final diagnosis - they (the doctors...and more than one) don't know. I get it. They're not Gods - sometimes we'd like to believe they are. When it comes to our kids - we need them to have all the answers. But they had no medical reason for why Emily couldn't use her right leg.

They had me put her down and move to the other side of the room and ask Emily to come to me. She cried and cried, said 'up! up!' with her arms out so I'd pick her up. Then she begged. "Please momma please." OMG it broke my heart. I kept telling her 'come to me baby - come on' and she did. She got down and crawled to me. WTF - I was so freakin' scared.

They didn't do an xray - the doctors didn't believe there was a break or fracture after they examined her. But they also couldn't say what the problem was. So eventually they said 'Go home and come back if it gets worse.'

I brought her home and Pete changed her and put her to bed. Then I had some homework to do. Good thing I got home at 11 because my work was due by midnight lol. Then Pete and I went to bed. Hannah woke up @ 3 and didn't go back to sleep until 5. Lord we are tired.

Up and ready for the home. No MyGym today because we wanted to give Emily time off her leg. She woke up and was able to walk - thank God. But she was limping and complained a couple times of some pain. But as the day progressed - she seemed to get better. By the time they went to bed tonight - she seemed fine. We'll skip the gym for her tomorrow too - another day off the leg might be good.

We had a full day but it all meshed toghether. The girls had a play date today with Owen - you can see pics on the girls blog. It was a great afternoon of fun and playing. The morning was rough - the girls were just hitting, biting and pulling each others hair all morning. But after nap and they were good (which was good cuz that kind of behavior when there's a play date wouldn't be good would it?!?!).

We gave them baths early tonight because Pete was headed over to his parents house for dinner. So I fed the girls after their bath, played for a bit and then we were upstairs to brush teeth, read books and in the beds! Yup beds. Well 2 anyway. Two of the cribs we had turned into toddler beds so Pete spent the afternoon putting them together. We'll buy Emily a toddler bed tomorrow.

They went to bed with somewhat of a battle but nothing I couldn't handle.

They're sleeping - hopefully for the night. Pete got home a little while ago and now we need sleep.

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