Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 127

The girls slept most of the night. Hannah woke up at one point but went back to sleep on her own. Today was horrible. The girls woke up in awful moods and it just didn't end.

Miss Donna came today and helped out a whole bunch. She comes back week after week - willingly! I love her for that.

After Donna left - Jenn came for a visit and so did my mom. I called the doctor at 9:15 to make an appt for Hannah & Hailey and they gave us 11:15. Worked out great because Jenn was able to stay here with Emily while I took the other two and my mom went home.

Hannah has another ear infection. Hailey just has empathy attitude. More antibiotics. And only Lord knows who will be bringing Hailey back to the doctor at the end of the week because her ears have fluid in them but they're not yet infected. Lovely. Basically it's wait and see.

After getting home - Jenn had lunch made (love it!) and then she left. The girls and I ate lunch and then they all went down for a nap - a bit late today since they didn't go down until 1:00. I got some homework done and some computer work done while they napped.

When they woke up at 3:00 - O M G. Hannah and Hailey screamed for about an hour straight. I put them both back in their cribs. I NEVER do that. But enough was enough. Hailey was so out of control that she just kept throwing herself against the floor and smashing her head.

I left them in there long enough to get a snack on the table with some milk. Emily was sitting on the couch the whole time just chillin'. I got up and get the other two and they calm down some. I bring them downstairs and we all sit down to eat snack. It's about 3:30 at this point.

Hannah wouldn't eat her nilla wafers because they were 'too hard'. What??? Ok - they weren't stale - it was a new box. And she's eaten them hundreds of times before! Then she didn't want to drink her milk because she wanted Hailey's cup. And then she she didn't want to sit in her chair because the sun was in her eyes. You know...the sun that was shining on the other side of the house...that one must have seen it's way into her eyes. Along with the nilla wafers I gave them some cheese nips. Hannah refused to even have them on her plate. Until of course I gave some to Hailey & Emily. She cried for some - I gave her some. She cried that they were on her plate. You see where I'm going with this? I just could not win.

Finally I just took her out of her chair and put her in the other room while the other two ate their snacks. Which they did in peace and quiet. Hannah just cried and whined. Pete came home early - thank God. He walked in with ice cream for the girls.

In the eyes of a 2 year cream = giggles and smiles. They all shared an ice cream and were as happy as could be so of course it looked like I was being a miserable tired mommy complaining about nothing. Lol..but not for long!

As soon as the ice cream was gone - the crying and whining came back like a switch was flipped. I was outta here! I needed to go get Hannah's Rx at the pharmacy and go to the bank. So I took this opportunity to get some sanity back. I left and did what I needed to do and when I came back - LB was here with Pete helping with the girls.

We let the girls make their own pizza tonight. I cut some English muffins in 1/2 and let them put the sauce and cheese on them before I put them in the oven. They watched as they were heated up and then it was time to eat! Or not. Maybe pizza's are more fun to play with when you've hit absolute misery on your cranky scale for the day.

It was time for baths, pj's, brush teeth, read books and in the bed. Hannah & Hailey needed to be taken out of their cribs 1/2 hour later to be changed and calmed down. Then it was back in their cribs where they finally fell asleep.

What a freakin' day. They took me for all I was worth today - that's for sure.

After they went to sleep - Pete and I worked out. It was needed. Now it's time to clean and get the girls stuff ready for the week.

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