Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 149

The girls slept all night - at Grandma's house! Which means Pete and I slept all night as well. And it was much needed sleep I must say.

The girls had a great day but when they got home Hailey was in rare form. She's not usually cranky and whiny...she's our prankster and loves to laugh! But tonight was a different story. We just couldn't keep her happy. She didn't want to sit down at dinner, then she didn't want to take a bath and then she didn't want to get dressed. When I say 'didn't want' I mean she kicked and screamed the whole time. She didn't eat much, took a bath standing up, and then got dressed only because Pete and I held her down. I finally put her outside of the bedroom and in a time out so she could cool down. She was way out of control at this point. Screaming so hard and for so long that she was almost hyperventilating! Yeah - time out did nothing. Finally she stood up in the doorway and threw up all over the place. I guess that was the problem. I think she ate something that didn't agree with her and it was giving her trouble all night. Because once she threw up - she calmed down and was fine.

Now they're sleeping and I'm hoping and praying that she isn't sick and it was just something she ate. We shall see.

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