Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 131

They slept!!!!!!!!!!! Yes they slept on their new beds. Here's how it went. We had to lay in their room for an hour until they fell sound asleep and the we slipped out. We put a gate up in their door so we could shut the door leaving it open a crack. They slept until about 2am, I think it was Hailey that woke up so I went in there and laid on the floor. She was asleep in 10 minutes and I was able to go back to bed. Then they slept till Hannah woke up at 6am. At some point in the night we heard a door close, it was the girls bedroom door. Hannah had inched her way of the mattress and to the door hitting it so it closed. We opened it a crack and put a towel down so it couldn't close anymore. They were all sleeping so we didn't try and move her.

This morning was the usual, gave the girls milk, got ready for work, Joey is watching them. The girls even took a nap on the new beds today. I thought for sure they wouldn't sleep. Joey had to lay in the room for 10 minutes and they were sleeping. They slept for 2 hours.

When we got home Emily would stop walking and hold her leg. She has a yeast infection from the antibiotic she is on so we thought every time she pee it hurt. It wasn't until we were getting them ready for bed that we noticed she was grabbing her leg and didn't want to walk on it. Long story short Michelle is at the ER right now with Emily. The doctor tried to get Emily to walk but she just cried and got on her knees to crawl over to mommy. They are waiting for an x-ray now. We can't figure out what could have happened. No falls today, no pushing, what the hell happened. Anyway, Joey and I got the other two ready for bed and I laid in their room until they fell asleep maybe 30 minutes. I cleaned the kitchen and living room and now I'm waiting to here from Michelle.

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