Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where the hell is 2011?

The girls slept all night last night. 

This morning while Pete was getting Hailey dressed he noticed she had a rash ALL over her tummy and diaper area.  He tells me to come check it out.  I take one look and say 'get her dressed, cover it up!  If I don't see it - it doesn't exist!!!!'  I'm just so done with them being 'sick'.  I know I don't have a right to complain because their illnesses are common childhood illnesses that every parent has to go through with their kids.  But c'mon!  It's been 4 straight weeks of not a single day going by when they haven't been 'sick'.  A whole friggin' month!  I'm tired!  Pete's tired! 

I swear it's defeated us.  I think about how I use to be sooooo happy to be a mom and my girls could do no wrong.  I would find fun ways to get them to get dressed or do something that they didn't really want to do.  But now - all I do is bark orders and get pissed at them when they don't listen.  It wears you down.  

After a phone call to the doc (another phone call...) it seems like Hailey has Roseola.  That would explain the high fevers that she had for a few days.  Now the fever is gone - the rash is here for a few days.  Nothing to do except wait it out - and wait for the other 2 to get it.  Great. 

On a better note - the girls were in really great moods when I picked them up and it was actually an enjoyable evening.  Hailey is feeling much better and therefore the rest of the household is in a better mood as well.

Potty update:  Hannah has been 'dry' since yesterday morning.  She didn't pee in her pull up at nap time yesterday or today and she woke up dry this morning...all night long she stayed dry!  She hasn't had an accident in 4 days now.  Hailey still pees when she's sleeping - but went all day today without an accident!  And Emily had only one accident today!


  1. I know its really hard when kids are sick..I truly think its harder on us moms then the sick kids them selves! Just always remember that you "get to" be their mom and so many dont....

  2. Hey - love the honesty in your post! Totally get were you are coming from! Yes it sucks when you are feeling depleted of sleep, the kids are sick, the house is a mess, you have to get to work, someone needs to go buy food, etc - REALLY SUCKS THE JOY OUT OF YOU. Your'e just stuck in a rip tide right now. Bust out of it! You can't make the girls healthy, but you can give them what they need. And you can either do something about your other stressors or not cut yourself some slack. Good news these days come in waves; in then out sometimes more like hurricanes but they don't last forever. The other days, the good ones, . . . just say ahhhh and enjoy. Love You!

  3. Hey Kiddo - keep your chin up. A goof friend of mine always reminds me that this too shall pass. Hard to believe this when you are in the moment. Before you know it, and I rellay mean this, you are the grandmother or the grand auntie. I know these words may not take away the feeling of sleep deprevation and I don't mean for them to make light of the situation. The girls are suffering from NORMAL childhood illnesses and for this you are extremely lucky - NORMAL being the key word. I love you - keep up the good work - you and Pete are wonderful parents. Love Tant-Tant
