Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 5

Hannah has this potty training down.  She can pee on command (and does - just to get M&M's).  Hailey has it - but she's lazy and will pee if she has a pull up on.  Emily I don't think is quite ready.  So what are we to do?  I guess we'll just go with the flow.  Emily will still wear big girl panties and we'll just have to remind her more often to use the potty (she gets very wrapped up in things when she's playing and so I think she forgets that she's not wearing a diaper).  I'm really worried about our outings and how we're going to handle the whole potty thing in public.  But here's what I've decided (and Pete's on board cuz he's really just along for the ride on this issue).  I'm just going to rely heavily on pull ups when we're out.  I tell the girls that if they pee in their pull up - the princess will disappear (it won't really...but it's enough to make them think).  If they have a diaper on (which we now call pull ups...they don't know the difference) - then I say Mickey Mouse will disappear.  It's the concept.  So when we're out I'll keep pull ups on them until one day when I feel really brave and decide that yes - they can wear ONLY underwear. 

It's not the public bathroom that I'm shying away from.  Bring on the seems like my kids are prone to pick up the germs no matter what anyway!  It's just the triplet factor that I'm scared of.  I just KNOW that at one point they are ALL going to have to go at EXACTLY the same time.  And in my dream world - I'll have all 3 of them sitting on a toilet peeing away while whistling.  But in reality - one stall only has one pot to piss in.  And no way in hell am I letting them go in 3 stalls when there's only one of me.  So they're going to have take turns...and until their little bladders can handle the 'two more minutes!' mantra - pull ups it will be.

On the sick front - they are all still miserable...Hailey more so than the other 2.  She had a fever of 103.2 when she woke up today.  I called the doc and there's a virus going around (no shit) that involves high fevers and a sore throat.  If she's not better tomorrow bring her in...same ol same ol.  I love the girls doctor.  But I'm one of those moms that wants an answer to everything right this very minute.  Hailey really was miserable today - and hopefully she gets a good nights rest because we ALL need it.

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