Friday, July 16, 2010

Toddlers for rent!

Where do I even begin.  It's hard to write so people understand.  You really have to live it to get.  We put the girls to bed without any problems last night.  Pete and I finally got to bed around 10:30 so we're sleeping by 11:00.

The phone rings at 11:40.  I answer in a groggy 'wtf do you want' kind of way.  It's the police dept with an automated message. There is a 14 year old autistic boy in our area that is missing.  They give his age, description of what he was wearing and exact location of where he was last seen.  I have to confirm that I've received this message or they will call back.  It's the new reverse 911 system.  I like it - it works.  The last time we received a phone call about a missing child - someone that had gotten the phone call the night before had seen the kid the next day and reported it to the police.  The kid was found and brought home (he had run away from home).  This is a different story.  This child is autistic.  I know nothing of the family or extent of this child's whereabouts on the spectrum but it still keeps me awake tossing and turning.  If this were my kids I'd be pounding down doors and waking up the world.  I can't, and don't ever want to, imagine what this family is going through.  Even tonight I'm not sure they have found him. 

Then at 1:00 Hailey wakes up.  Screaming.  She wants Daddddda!  Pete goes in - then I hear 'No Dadddda - Momma!!!!'  OMG  I'm tired - I still haven't fallen back to sleep after the phone call.  I'm going to skip over the phone throwing, screaming, swearing, fighting, up and down stairs, changing of diapers and taking away of several loved items from the kids.  It was Hannah & Hailey.  Emily didn't wake up until around 3 and even then she just wanted to go back to sleep.  This all carried on for - no joke - 2.5 hours.  1 - 3:30.  They screamed and cried and we yelled and screamed and it was a complete mess. 

You would think after getting that phone call that I would have more patience for my kids.  But I didn't.  I had less.  Because I'm still sleep deprived!!!!  When they're sick - I have a lot of patience.  I get why they are cranky.  But when they're not sick and they pull this shit like they did last night - it just pisses me off. 

Finally they go to sleep at 3:30 - and trust me - I'm sure it wasn't a peaceful sleep because it's not like we went in there and rubbed their backs and sang them lullaby's. 

So that leaves Pete and I to fall asleep around 4:00 only to get up at 6:30.  Gonna be a lovely day huh?  I get in the shower and Pete brings the girls downstairs.  When I come downstairs I walk into the kitchen and not looking down - I step right in a puddle of milk and smoosh some fruit loops in my toes.  Pete says just a tad bit late 'Watch out.  There's a mess there.'  Thanks.

He goes upstairs to get ready for the day and I'm stuck cleaning the mess on the floor followed by cleaning out 3 potty's...only to clean 2 more because they can't do all their business at once. 

The morning was just a flipping mess to say the least.  And I was PISSED OFF about last night to the point where I just couldn't even find it in myself to be kind to my own kids.  They got the necessities this morning that was it.  Yeah - it sounds horrible and I'm sure some of you are gasping as if I've done the most horrible motherly thing I could do but you know what?  You don't live here so get your jaw up off the floor and shut your trap.  And on top of that - I don't care what you think because this is my blog and it's how I feel.  And this morning I didn't feel like I had it in me to be all snugly and cuddly with the very kids that kept my ass from sleeping more than 3 hours for NO REASON last night!  I'm still pissed I guess.  But the good thing is that I had the day to go to work. 

Little Brother watched the girls today.  And all 4 of them slept for 3 hours today.  While Pete and I worked.  Yeah - must be nice to be able to take a nap after being up 1/2 the night! 

And I'm still thinking about the 14 y/o that's missing.  I really hope they've found him safe and sound.

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