Sunday, July 11, 2010

Visit to Meme's!

We had a GREAT trip up to MA to visit the girls GREAT Grandmother and Grumps!  Uncled Bob was there too :)  They woke up a bit early again (still?) so they took an early nap.  Then right after they woke up from their nap we headed out.  They all peed on the potty when we got to Meme's and then they all peed again at Friendly's - luckily they had a big bathroom.  Once back at Meme's - they peed again!  Yay!!!  They are all doing a wonderful job of using the potty.  I knew they wouldn't ask to use the potty while we were out - they still need to work on not defaulting to their pull ups.  But I also know that as long as I keep asking them if they have to go - they'll keep going.  And they all stayed dry right up until the ride home.  Only Emily peed in her pull up.  But the drive was about 1.5 hours and once we got home she pooped in the potty to redeem herself.  :)

When it was time for bed - we gave the girls baths, then did pj's, brushed teeth, ready books and hit the sack.  Pete left to go to the store and I jumped in the shower.  While in the shower I heard the girls start screaming.  (they weren't sleeping yet when I got in the shower).  I had told them I was getting in the shower and figured they were just acting up.  I opened the door (I can reach the door from the shower) and told them to come to the gate where I could see them.  All 3 were there in a split second...2 of them had huge crocodile tears streaming down there faces.  Emily didn't - all she was concerned about was the 'rain' coming down on mommy.  I kept asking them what was wrong but they weren't telling me.  I just told them to stand there at the gate until I was done showering.  Grrrr so much for a nice long shower.  As soon as I turned the water off - I knew what caused the chaos.  THUNDER!  We were having a thunder storm and Hailey & Hannah absolutely hate thunder.  So I told the girls they could get in mama's bed and watch some TV (whaaaaaat?!?!?) until the storm was over.  As soon as they got in my bed Hailey was saying 'mama come lay down with Hailey.  Come mama.'  She just did NOT want to be left alone...and this time her sisters weren't gonna cut it for company.  I got dressed and we all hung out watching America's Funniest Home Videos. 

Once it was over (the storm and the show) the girls went back to their own beds.  Not before they tried really hard to convince me that they should be able to sleep in my bed.  I did say they could stay  in my bed but that I was going to sleep in their bed.  Emily was quick to reply with 'No mama.  You're too big for Emmie's bed.  It's ONLY for Emmie.  Only Emmie fits.  Mama no fit in Emmie's bed.'  And the funny thing is that I'm pretty sure she would have told Hannah & Hailey they wouldn't fit in her bed either.  She was confident that SHE is the ONLY one that fits in her bed.  lol

Ahhh the mind of a 2  year old.  They're all sleeping now - and Pete and I will be sleeping soon too.

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