Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 85

Road trip! We had FUN and it was much better than I anticipated. We decided to take the trip a day early so we didn't have to travel in the snow. The girls and I got up to MA around 3:00. The trip up wasn't too bad. The girls slept for some of the ride and when we got off the highway we ventured a ways to see if we could find a grocery We were in the middle of nowhere and ended up at a hole in the wall place where we just bought some snacks. We really needed potato's and butter but oh well - Goldfish and Graham crackers work too.

Sleeping went ok. We had 3 pack n plays (since the trip to NJ went over so well we figured the pack n plays would be fine again), and the girls went down but not without a fuss. They finally fell asleep but woke up around 11 and all 3 ended up in bed with me. Thankfully it was a King size bed! But come 1:00 I still hadn't slept (have you tried to sleep with 3 toddlers at the same time????) so I put Hailey in her bed since she was sound asleep. Once I put her down - Hannah woke up and said 'Mine!' to which I replied 'You want to go in your crib?' (I mean...come on now - I know I'm sleep deprived but this was something I surely must be dreaming). She said 'Yeah' and I couldn't get her in that bed fast enough. She went right in and fell right to sleep! Then I put Emily back in hers. She fussed for a few minutes but not too long. We ALL slept until 7:00. But I tell ya - it was restless for me because Hannah talks, whines, plays, cries and giggles in her sleep. Now I remember why we don't sleep in the same room with them anymore! Haha.

Once we got up we just chilled in our jammies until after naptime (which Hannah skipped today -she helped out with making a big turkey dinner though). Pete came in around noon and he took over with the girls while I showered and dressed. The rest of the family showed up shortly after and we had a big fat xmas party! It was a blast.

My cousins were great - Daniel (who's 11) kept the girls busy playing with them and Christopher was so nice to share all of his 3 million toys without putting up a fuss. We can't wait to go back.

One thing this has made me realize though is that I can't help out when I go somewhere alone with the girls. They really still require 100% of my time to keep them going and the day moving smoothly. We'll get there though. They were so good with all of the people - I couldn't have asked for a better weekend with them. No melt downs, only one bloody lip (please see above when I say they need 100% of my attention...because this happened about 5 minutes after we walked through the door and I turned my back) and they didn't even mind the 30lb rabbit (don't think I'm joking...this thing is HUGE). ;-)

We'll be making more road trips - that much is for sure. Oh and Pete didn't sleep well last night. I guess being in a big empty house with no wife and babies isn't all it's cracked up to be. Poor

The trip home was fine too. The girls slept the whole way and once we got here they ate a little something and then went right down to bed. They're all sleeping - but I know better than to think they'll stay that way.

After the girls went to sleep - Pete unloaded the car, then we baked 9 dozen cookies (thank you very much Baby for signing up for a cookie swap at work), and then Pete put the girls Little People garage/playhouse thingie together so they can play with it in the morning.

Ugh...I'm not ready for Monday but here it comes.

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