Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 83

The girls were up from 12:30 - 2:30...all 3 of them. We're all tired. Hailey has croup now too. She's been sick - they've all been sick. But today her cough is worse than it has been the past couple of days. Ugh...we're sick of being sick. And it's really taking a toll on us. But we just keep moving.

Night is the worst. Pete and I can't just sleep during the day - and we can't go to bed when the girls go to bed. So by the time we get everything done and get to bed - it's usually around 10:00. Fall asleep maybe 1/2 hour later - and then the girls wake up shortly after that. For example: last night we went to sleep at 10:00. The girls woke up at 12:30 and didn't go back to sleep until 2:30 (after so much aggravation, changing of diapers, giving them juice.....) but we didn't get back to sleep until about 3:00. Then we have to get up at 6:00. That's 5 and 1/2 hours of interrupted sleep. This has been going on for weeks now. We thought we were done with this stage of parenthood...waking up every couple of hours is killing us. Nothing like some good sleep deprivation to break a family down piece by piece.

Today was Fun Friday with Uncle Joey. He took them out for a little bit because someone had come to look at the condo (it's for sale remember). Pete got home early because today was his xmas party. By the time I got home - he had cooked dinner and the girls were eating...they were hungry little babies tonight.

Then it was bath time (with new bath color tablets thanks to Uncle Joey...which the girls LOVED). Pj's, read books and in bed. They've already woken up once - Pete brought Hannah & Hailey down as I was writing this blog. He changed them and put them back to bed...they're sleeping again.

After they went to bed - the 1st time - we cleaned up and starting baking sugar cookies. Lovely mess we made ;-) But we got 3 dozen out of the 9 that needs to be made. Ok - maybe a little more but we might have eaten a

I also had to rearrange some plans for tomorrow. Originally - we were planning on going to MyGym, then the girls to Pete's parents house for naps while Pete and I went to look at 4 more houses with the realtor. However; we're suppose to be getting hammered with a big snow storm tomorrow night into Sunday. That puts a damper on our Sunday plans of going up to MA to a family xmas party. So - we make changes. Being flexible is part of being parents. I cancelled the house hunting, called my cousin and left a message saying the girls and I were coming tomorrow night to sleep over, Pete will come on Sunday and Pete called his mom to say the girls wouldn't be over there tomorrow. This way we get to the xmas party (it's not even going to snow up there!), we get extra time with family and Pete gets a good nights sleep (at least if he's smart he will).

Going to bed now. It's 9:24 - I wanted to be in bed by 9:00...being flexible though right?

1 comment:

  1. I hope you all get over your colds soon. We are still passing it around. I sometimes zone out durning the day because of lack of sleep. I only have 1 baby in the house and a 5 year old ,but my 10 mo old has such bad seperation anxiety that he wakes up durning the night,and he hardly naps durning the day because he misses me. It's totally crazy. Good luck on getting some sleep. Happy Holidays!
