Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 68

The massage last night was wonderful. And that's where the wonderful night ended. The girls were up - Pete and I got about a total of 4 hours of sleep (and that wasn't all at once). I'm done. Done with the screaming, sick, inconsolable babies. We didn't sign up for this. Sleepless nights one after the other are not good for the mind/body/soul of parenthood. Hannah's persistence is something I'll admire one day - just not today.

Emily has to take a new medication for her cough. She's had a dry, nonproductive cough for a couple of weeks now. The doctor said if the antibiotic (that she's taking for her ear infections) didn't do anything for the cough then she would give her something else. So this new med will more likely than not: make her throw up, give her the jitters, shakes and make her restless. Sounds like fun huh? Because that's exactly what I was looking for after a week of no sleep. Funny - I don't see any regular criticisers here helping out. Oh that's right...they're all home snug in their beds. Hmmmm.

It's 10:20 and I'm not even upstairs getting ready for bed. Why? Because Hannah is up. Pete finally went up there to get her and I'm refusing to go up there and be in the same room with her. Yup. That's right - I put it in black and white. Call child services...go ahead. I dare you. Because I'll chew them up and spit them out faster than they can say 'You're doing a great job!'

I'll be home with the girls again tomorrow. The days seem to be better than the nights so I'm sure it won't be so bad in the morning. But getting from point A of the night to point B of the morning is going to be rough.

1 comment:

  1. I was away from the computer this weekend so I'm just now catching up.... I am so so sorry your girls are sick. The no sleep thing is the worst torture in the world. I hope as i keep reading your posts from the last days they are better!

