Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 77

Hannah slept in our bed until 4:30. I'm not even going there right now.

Girls woke up and we had to be at Pete's work to have breakfast with Santa at 9:00. Little Brother came with us and we had a good time. I remember from last year that 'breakfast' meant lots of cookies and Pete actually made the girls pancakes before we left and we took them with us so they could eat while were there. We still let them have a cookie...just not for breakfast. When Santa came in all 3 of them were a bit hesitant. Hailey sat unwillingly on Santa's lap but didn't really cry - Hannah & Emily just got their gift from a
As we were leaving they gave the each of the girls a goodie bag to take home. I just went through them and luckily I didn't let them go through them. There's so much candy in the bags that it looks like they went trick-or-treating! LOL

After breakfast we headed home and Little Brother put the girls down for a nap while Pete and I met the realtor to go look at a few houses. We also signed the paperwork to put the condo on the market so it's officially 'for sale' now. We walked through 2 of the houses and the last house wasn't even worth looking at. It didn't offer the yard that we thought it had and it just wasn't in a good location. So begins the house hunting. I was much more excited the 1st time we purchased...I think I'm not so excited now because it's going to be a lot of work. But we've outgrown this place and it's time to move on.

The girls are feeling better today so it seems. But that doesn't stop people from telling us that we shouldn't have them out. Of course - everyone else knows best - we're just the parents of the girls. We must not know anything. I'm not going to go off on a rant about it. I'm just sick of people. It's not even advice that is being offered which pisses me off even more. It's simply 'you're doing it wrong'. Yeah - we've considered moving to Kansas - because we don't know a single soul there!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrr.

Pete had a xmas party to go to tonight at a friends house so he left when we got back from house hunting. Little Brother left shortly after. So the girls and I had some much needed 'girl' time. We hung out and played with stickers, we danced (please don't ask for a demonstration), we all went up to their room and put away ALL of their laundry (ok...I put it away while they read me books, handed me hangers and fought over the empty baskets) and we also spent a majority of the time 1/2 naked! Lol..ok - they did. We worked on potty training and they did great. Hailey pooped in the potty again. She actually said 'poo poo', sat on the potty and pooped! It was right before bedtime so I didn't really want to give her a pop pop so we just did lots and lots of verbal positive reinforcing. ;-)

Then it was upstairs to brush teeth, read books and fall sound asleep. I'm not sure Hannah will stay that way since she slept in our bed last night. But we can hope.

1 comment:

  1. Goopd Luck with the house hunting. Congratulations on your Potty Success!
