Thursday, September 30, 2010

Being home with the girls is....

Actually turning out to be quite fun and entertaining.  Today's escape took us to Walmart in the pouring rain. in - I got soaked just going to get the car to bring it closer to the house so the girls wouldn't get as soaked.  Rather than let them all walk and get soaking wet - I took them one by one under the umbrella.  Smart right?  But being the genius that I am - I didn't think about how I would get them from the car to the store though!  It was still pouring.  I had choices of course.  I could have turned around and gone home.  But then we wouldn't have gotten the things we needed/wanted.  I actually parked the car, climbed into the back seat (so I didn't have to get out and get wet again) and said out loud (but more to myself) "How am I gonna get you guys in the store...."  Emily doesn't skip a beat and says "Mommy - bring one at a time!"  Oh...duh - why didn't I consider that.  I can just leave you at the front door, come back, get Hailey, leave her with you (if you're still there) at the front door, come back, get Hannah and then we can all go about our merry shopping trip.  Right.  Plan C: wait out the rain.  That's not happening - so move to Plan D! 

Lucky for me - the guy parked next to me just showed up with an empty cart and left it next to the van :)  It was soaked so I couldn't just put the girls in there.  I grabbed a blanket from under the wagon the way back of the van (that took some strength since the wagon was on top of it lol).  Unbuckled the kids and got them all scrunched up in a bunch on the floor.  Opened the door, jumped out, threw the blanket in the cart, threw the kids on the blanket, threw the umbrella over the kids and VOILA!  We had a cart tent - 3 kids inside and they were ALL dry!  We did have to scratch a few things off our list since I didn't consider not being able to utilize the entire cart lol.  But the girls were more than willing to hold the following items:  marshmallows, goldfish, blueberry muffin mix and paint.  The rest went under the cart.  Oh - and the one item we desperately needed that brought us out in such a storm to begin with?  Lactaid...and they didn't have any.  Ahhhhh well.  It was well worth the trip.

Tomorrow - Pete is off to VT for the whole weekend.  Looks like the girls and I are gonna have to have a slumber party!

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