Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Crazy Morning

Let's just take 10 minutes of my morning and try to put in in black/white.  We woke up late and by the time I was finished getting myself ready for work and came downstairs Pete only had 2/3 of the kids dressed.  I finished getting them dressed and made their milk.  Making milk = letting them each pick out a cup, hold the cup on the floor while the milk is being poured, putting the milk in the microwave for 90 seconds and while it's warming up I must listen to 'uppie uppie uppie' from each one of them because they all want to be picked up.  The milk is done and they all give up the covers to their cups so I can properly put it on and they can guzzle the milk like newborn kittens. 

I'm in the middle of making lunch and I now have 3 kids at the table guzzling milk when Hannah sneezes and out comes nasty, green, oozing snot from her nose.  She freezes (thankfully my kids don't usually wipe their snot - they require immediate attention with a tissue and they will freeze in any position until someone comes to the rescue).  As I run to the living room for a tissue I hear Emily coughing and I know that if I don't get to her in 0.5 seconds I'm going to have more than snot to clean.  I grab a tissue AND a towel on my way back to the kitchen just in time to see Emily throw up all over the outfit that she was just changed into.  By now Hannah is doing the 'Ehhh!  Ehhh! Ehhh!'   I wipe the snot and then strip Emily down to her pull up.  Grab a new outfit (I have them all on standby now...it makes the day move a lot smoother) and then get her back to the table to finish breakfast. 

Just as I finish cleaning up the puke she dumps her cereal on the floor.  It was an accident so I immediately say 'It's ok - Momma will clean it.'  I wouldn't want to give them a complex over a little spilled milk right?  So I clean it up and get back to making lunches.  Not 3 minutes goes by and Emily dumps her cereal on the floor again - this time on purpose.  And what does she say?  "Uh oh!  It's K - Momma clean it!"   GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 

I take her down from the table - she's done.  Clean the cereal and as I'm cleaning I realize I don't have coffee made.  So to myself but out loud I say I need to make some coffee.  I turn around to grab another towel and Emily is standing there with her tea cup and says 'Here Momma - I make you coffee.'

Yeah.  Eat your heart out.  You would LOVE to have my morning! 

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