Saturday, September 25, 2010


Emily was throwing up most of the night last night.  This morning she threw up before taking her meds and Hailey threw up after taking her meds.  They both have rashes on their faces (not bad...but red, raised bumps).  I called the doc on call and he suggested not giving the 2 of them their antibiotic for today.  He also said to give them some Benedryl and another medication for the nausea. 

The rest of the day went smooth. 

I'll be honest - I'm exhausted just thinking that I'm going to be home with them for a few weeks.  They need more structure than I feel I can give them.  When I'm home - I'm so focused on getting 'things' done...and as we know - things are never done.  So it's always a juggling act.  Today for instance - Pete went to take a shower.  I was in the kitchen cleaning up all the vomit off the table, chairs and floor and the girls were in the living room playing.  I'm not sure how much time went by when I realized it was QUIET.  Panic struck in me instantly.  Quiet might be good in another household - but NOT this one.  Sure enough - I peek in the living room and my 3 toddlers had vanished.  Where might they be?  Oh...said 3 toddler thought they were adults and ventured out onto the porch - with their Tinkerbell chairs and they decided to 'look for turkey's!'  Ugh.  It was a matter of a minute maybe between the 'panic' and when I actually set eyes on them.  But hold your breath for a minute and you'll realize just how long it can be.   Luckily they were all sitting quietly in their chairs watching through the railing for a turkey to go by.  Turkey's.  That's what they were looking for.  I swear the only thing missing was a cup of coffee in each of their hands. 

So rather than be mad at them (they didn't do anything wrong...if I didn't want them out I should have locked the door), I grabbed my own chair, my cup of coffee, threw down my rag and went to chill with my babies.  We spent a good hour out there before coming in. 

Being home with them worries me because I'm not sure I can teach them what they need to be taught!  How do you teach colors and numbers and names and animals and and and and and..........I'm not a teacher!  What if they go to pre-k and can't write their names?  I know I'm taking it to the extreme but you get my point. 

1 comment:

  1. Awee..Lookinbg for Turkey's..Did you see any? LOl

    I hope everyone gets well soon.

    Mommmy's are the Best Teachers.You can do it! Just sneak in the Learning whenever you can count the cheerios,name the colors of clothes when doing laundry...ect
    Get them Sippy Cups with their name on and and spell and say their name everything you give it to them..
    B.T.W. Most kids in P-K cannot write their names:)
