Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Deeper than illness

The girls are getting better.  Pete and I are feeling better.  But I think I have figured out what's really got this family out of control.  Lately I can't seem to get the girls to listen.  I bought books.  I read blogs.  I asked friends.  I yelled.  I didn't yell.  I acted.  I didn't act.  I keep saying that what we're doing isn't working. 

I am wrong.  It's US that's not working right now.  Pete and I.  We use to move smoothly through the parental actions of every day.  We were on the same page with everything.  People use to ask how we did it and the truth is that it's all about teamwork.  One person can't raise these 3 kids.  Lord if it take a community to raise one kid then I suppose it takes a world to raise triplets.  But right now we're not working together. 

When I look back and read some of my earlier posts I see how we did everything in unison.  When the world was against us we held on to each other and proved them wrong.  Hopefully we can find that same strength again because what we are doing right now isn't working and it's obviously starting to impact this family in  more ways than I can even think to blog about. 

1 comment:

  1. hang in there you two. Dan and I often find ourselves out of sync. It happens. I wish I had some pearl of wisdom to offer on this one but since we have yet to figure this out ourselves I got nothing.

    My feeling is that as they get older you do have less control and we each have our own way and timing with letting that go.

    Remember that letting go is also part of the job. This helps them to be there own person with their own ideas and ways of doing things. Teaching independence and self care is tough. But it has to happen so that they can grow.
