Thursday, September 9, 2010

Another new teacher

The girls have a new teacher at school.  She started Tuesday and this is the 5th teacher they have had in just 4 weeks.  I'm not happy about it but decided that I would let things be for this week and see how it goes.  Monday was tragic.  When the girls got their reports for the day I noticed that ONLY Hailey used the potty and it was only 1 time!  This is very unusual for the girls.  I also got a report that the girls didn't eat lunch or snack (they were starving at dinner time though).  I do call the school twice a day - everyday.  And I wasn't very happy with the feedback on Monday.  But again - I decided to let it go. 

Wednesday when I called and talked to the teacher in the morning - I explained my surprise at the potty situation from the day before.  I thought maybe it was because she was new to the girls and they weren't comfortable telling her they needed to use the potty.  She agreed and we both agreed that she would be more aware of when they should use the potty as oppose to waiting until they ask.  It worked out great because they stayed dry most of the day.  (They still don't like to poop on the potty while at school.) 

When I called in the afternoon yesterday the teacher said to me "Do the girls speak Spanish?  They were trying to tell me something and I had no idea what language they were even talking until Emily asked me for agua!"  This is where I was frustrated with the change of teachers once again.  I have been through this in MAJOR DETAIL.  Yes the girls speak Spanish and yes there is a large list of words that they only know in Spanish.  Why wasn't this information passed along?!?! Grrrr   Then she says 'Wow - they'll really take advantage of you if you let them huh?'  Ummm...yeah!  That's where people underestimate the power of 3 against 1.  The girls work REALLY well together when they want to! 

Today when I called she said they were just sitting down to eat breakfast (snack).  Pete made them pancakes so that's what they were eating.  I could tell she was busy with the kids so I just said that Emily didn't eat anything this morning so she'll be hungry and to please make sure they get milk at lunch time.  (The school only provides juice to the kids so we bring milk in for them to have at lunch time...but it doesn't always get to the girls for some reason).   When I called to check on them this afternoon their teacher was on her break.  She didn't have their reports in front of her and she said "You know - I feel like we go through the same thing every time you call.  I'm not really sure what they ate - I can't remember but I think it was good.  And they all went to sleep easily.  Hannah isn't talking much today though - she's been really quiet."  So I ask "Well did something happen this morning?"  Her reply "I think so - something between her and Emily but I'm not really sure what.  She was just quiet after that though."  OMG

Hannah is super sensitive.  It could have been anything that made her 'quiet' but I feel like things have changed at the school.  They made some changes with moving teachers around and I feel like we went from having a TEACHER to having a BABYSITTER.  I'm not happy.  But I'm not sure what to do/say about it.  The teacher that I love has moved to the preschool room.  The girls can't move there until they are 100% potty trained.  I guess this is going to be my motivation to really get them trained. 

In the meantime - my plan is to pop into school tomorrow and take a look how things are running in their room.  Their school has video cameras in every room - with sound and the monitors are in the front office.  I can check on them anytime without actually disturbing them. 

I know that I can't change things every time I don't like a situation.  But I feel like this is a very important time for the girls and I don't want to regret NOT saying/doing something.  They have made so much progress since the start of school.  Too much progress for them to send home a note to me today saying that the girls were 'cranky and tired' this morning.  Not the kind of report a momma wants to see at the end of the day. 

1 comment:

  1. and not the kind of report you'd expect from a TEACHER as apposed to a babysister!!
