Thursday, September 23, 2010


How does something like c-diff happen?  How did we 'miss' it for so long?  What are you gonna do?  Why not just give them meds and move on?  Why can't we come over to play?  Why can't you bring them to school? 

We 'missed' it because if you read back about a month ago the girls all had croup.  This is a virus and along with a virus comes fevers and sometimes diarrhea.  The diarrhea didn't go away.  So we figured it was just another prolonged virus that was carrying on longer than the 'norm' for other kids their age.  2 and 3 weeks can go by very quickly in the life a triplet family.  We called the doctor at the beginning of last week and over the phone decided to eliminate the dairy in their diet.  That was Monday - by Friday we took them in.  9 stool samples and 5 days later we had our answer.  The test for c-diff came back +. 

Treatment is a strong antibiotic (in their case right now it's Flagyl).  They have to take it 3 times a day for 21 days.  There is a 40% chance that this 1st round won't take care of the problem (so basically we can just assume this is only round one...and there will be more to follow).  The medicine is horrible and caused 2 of the 3 to instantly throw up.  I was prepared (I did my homework and read up on the med).  I gave it to them again and they kept it down.  Then the 2nd dose they kept down but the 3rd wasn't so easy.  Emily was smart enough to hold it in her mouth - walk out of the kitchen and spit her medicine out in the garbage in the living room.  (Pete happened to be in there and saw her!).  Hmmm...gonna have to find another way around these smarty pants kids. 

You can't come over cuz it's contagious.  Once we get the antibiotics in them for a few days we can start to decon the house.  BLEACH.  That's the only thing that'll kill the virus.  Wish me luck - it should be fun. 

See above reason for the answer to why we can't bring them to school.

What causes c-diff is being on too many antibiotics.  The girls were given a plethora of meds for constant ear and sinus infections.  The meds killed the bad and good bacteria - causing havoc in their digestive tracts.  Along with these 'different' antibiotics - they are also getting probiotics ($25 for a 10 day supply...each). 

And the scary part?  If they do happen to get an ear infection or sinus infection that needs treatment...they'll have to be hospitalized for IV antibiotics.  Let's pray that doesn't happen. 

On a bright note?  I get to be home with my babies for a while :)  AND they love to lucky for me we're gonna have a cleaning party soon.  Wanna join us?

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