Sunday, September 5, 2010


It has to end!  I feel like a cement truck has parked itself inside my face.  Pete says he feels better today but still sounds horrible.  Thank God Pete's parents took the kids last night.  We both took some meds, went to bed and didn't move.  I woke up around 8:00 and Pete woke up around 10:00.  I parked my butt on the couch and didn't move until we had to go get the kids around 4:00 this afternoon.   I felt like such a waste of space especially on a beautiful day like today! 

We got the kids, came home to Andy & Joey, played, ate, took baths, read books, and now it's time for bed...for all of us! 

While the girls are in bed - their new thing is to get out of bed, come to the door and ask for mommy or daddy.  I'm DONE going in there.  I was going up there around 6 - 10 times a night and it was lasting about an hour sometimes.  And if I went up there - they would ask for Daddy.  If Pete went up there they would ask for Mommy.  I finally told Pete that from now on - I'm kissing them good night and that's it.  I'm no longer going back in the room.  He disagreed with me.  He thinks we should go back in there and do whatever it takes to calm them down and get them to sleep.  So we came to a mutual agreement.  I would kiss them good night and walk out of the room - and not go back in AT ALL.  He can go back in as many times as he would like.  BUT I will NOT come to his rescue.  So if he has to go up there 45 times in one night - so be it.  (So far tonight it's been 3 times in 1/2 hour). 

We didn't turn the monitor on tonight.  Ooops.  Pete went upstairs because he heard the girls making way too much noise.  Apparently Hailey tried jumping from her bed to Emily's bed and fell.  But she caught herself on Emily's bed - and her feet were stuck on her bed.  So Pete walked in to see Hailey making a bridge with her body between the two beds and saying 'Help Daddy! I'm stuck!'  LOL

1 comment:

  1. BAD DADDY!!!! Time to break out the Supernanny DVDs!! LOL
