Sunday, July 31, 2011

Beach days and walks

The girls and I have been walking with a neighbor and her kids - 2 miles everyday (sometimes we'll go twice to make a total of 4 miles...for those of you who can't add).  It's got dual/multi purpose.  1st and foremost is to get my butt in shape.  I'm GOING to lose these 15lbs that I've put on since last year.  I just wish they would come off as quickly as they went on!  2nd - I get some adult time!  How does that happen?!?!  Well the kids are kinda quiet while they're riding in their wagon.  So that leaves time for some adult conversation (when we're not panting and huffing and trying to catch our breath of course).  3rd - it gets us out of the house for a nice walk and nothing beats a nice walk...except maybe an early morning walk on the beach but since we don't live on the beach......

Speaking of the beach - the girls and I are going today.  Pete is taking a trip to Boston with his sister today so the girls and I are on our own.  My mom is headed to her friends beach house today and asked us if we wanted to come along.  SURE DO!  So we'll be beach bums.

Yesterday we hit the mall to have lunch with Uncle Kim.  That was a lot of fun - and as always the girls were very well behaved.  It helped that they knew they would be going to the candy store for a special treat. 

Oh and on the special treat note - the ice cream man came by yesterday.  Greattttt.  Woke the girls up out a dead sleep from their naps.  No problem - we had their ice cream $ on standby on the fridge.  So we run outside just in time to catch him.  AND I SEE HE INCREASED THE COST OF THE ICE CREAM THAT THE GIRLS ALWAYS BUY!  They like to get the funky spongebob or bugs bunny or some other funny face looking ice cream.  They were $2.50 each.  Which I was already complaining about.  But yesterday they were $3.00 each!  NO THANKS!  We bought ice cream sandwiches for $1 each and the girls enjoyed them just as much.  We'll save the extra $ for the candy at the candy store. 

Now I'm off to wrangle my kids and make sure they leave their whiny attitudes at home so we can actually have fun at the beach.................

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