Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day Parade

I took the girls to a Memorial Day Parade today.  My friend Lucy lives right on the street the parade goes down so we had prime seating.  I remembered the parade I took them to back in March - they didn't score any candy because we were too far back and no one was 'throwing' candy at that parade.  They just kind of handed it out and since weren't sitting on the curb...we didn't get any.  With our prime spot today - I figured the girls would be able to get a little bit (probably just enough to make them happy little parade goers.).   But little did I know they would score a TON OF LOOT.  I'm not sure if it was because they are triplets and they were dressed exceptionally cute today (and all were matching) or if it was just the parade itself.  But they did score a lot of it. 

Dressing them alike wasn't planned for the parade.  I actually had no idea about the parade until I was on my way to the gym and my friend called to tell me about it.  So I turned around, came back home, got the kids and left.  The problem with dressing them alike is the attention it attracts.  The girls aren't very fond of the attention and they're starting to show their dislike of complete strangers telling them how pretty and cute they are.  Before the parade began - someone came up and SAT ON OUR BLANKET right next to them.  She started talking to them and Emily slowly turned herself around so her back was to the woman.  None of them said a word.  The woman left.  The people sitting directly next to us kept trying to get her daughter to come and play with the 'cute little triplets' but the girls were just content to sit on the blanket and wait for the parade to start so they didn't want to play.  During the parade - we were pelted with candy...and lots of it.  People saw the girls and for some reason felt the need to inundate them with sugary goodness.  There was also a guy that walked up with a camera and started taking pictures of the girls (he wasn't part of any news station or newspaper...just a random guy).  Someone that was sitting behind us but also part of 'our' crowd looked at me and said "That gets pretty annoying huh?"  Yeah - and it's only been 45 minutes. 

After the parade we headed to Friendly's for lunch.  More comments, and even an interrupted lunch by the manager who came over to say "Wow!  You don't see that often!"  My reply was "Actually I see it everyday."  People point and say "TRIPLETS!?", people stop other people their with to make them turn around and look, people come up and talk to us asking inappropriate questions.  I love people...for the most part.  But days like today I'm not a big fan.  The girls aren't big fans either - and it's no wonder why. 

Aside from all the interruptions...we had a fantastic time.  The girls loved the parade and we all had a nice lunch.  Hopefully they get to sleep early tonight since they didn't nap today!!!!

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