Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hannah is sickie

At 1:00 this morning Hannah woke up and was crying (per usual night routine).  We did the whole "ignore her and she'll go back to sleep" thing but eventually she said "I threw up."  So I got up - and I was pissed because I thought she threw up from crying.  But I changed her, her bed sheets, cleaned her up and calmed her down before putting her back to bed.  I went back to bed and about 25 minutes later she threw up again.  This is the 'f*ck she's really sick' moment.  And this time she needed to get a bath in addition to changing her sheets and clothes.  I think it was around 3:30 when I was able to fall asleep again. 

Pete went to work (lucky guy) and I got to stay home with the girls.  I was totally preparing myself for the worst.  But really it worked out ok.  All 3 of them sat and watched cartoons for almost 3 hours today (this has NEVER been done before!).  But today was a TV day for sure.  Hannah threw up (dry heaving) most of the day and eventually I called the doctor to have something called in for her.  They called in some Zofran and after she had 1 dose it worked :)

The other 2 were really receptive to the fact that Hannah was sick and they kinda just hung out on their own.  I expected a ton of competition when it came to attention but it didn't turn out that way.  They also were very kind to Hannah and getting her anything her little heart desired - though she was too sick to take full advantage of it! 

I'm hoping that this doesn't pass through the whole house but only time will tell. 

On a better note:  Here's a conversation I had with Emily yesterday (or the day before...I can't remember).

Me: "Emily would you PLEASE pick up your crayons off the floor."
Emily: "I need to think about it.  It depends on your attitude mom." 

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