Friday, May 6, 2011

Hannah can't walk?

This morning Hannah woke up and couldn't (wouldn't) put pressure on her left foot.  After some deliberation - I decided not to bring her to the ER and wait for the doctors office to open at 9:15.  They got her in to be seen at 11:00 by which time she was walking of course.  But she wasn't walking normal...more like a shuffle walk.  We headed over to have an xray after the appt with the doc and that came back normal.  So it looks like she may just have a virus in her hip...but who knows.  We went through this same thing with Emily about 2 years ago.  Never a dull moment.....

The day went like this:

Up at 6:30 - Pete showers 1st then I jump in the shower.  The kids usually wake up and come crawl into bed with me and that's where they stay until I'm finished getting myself ready.

7:00 Pete leaves for work

7:30 The girls get up out of my bed and I get them dressed and ready for the day.  On bath days we stay in our pj's until after bath. 

8:00 Downstairs for milk (they still like it warmed up so that's what I do) and a bowl of dry cereal.

8:45 Bath time for them, I drink my coffee while they 'soak' in the tub.  After bath I dry their hair, cut their toe and finger nails (usually only every other week this gets done), get them dressed, they head back downstairs to play while I clean up the bath mess.  This whole process usually takes between an hour to an hour and 1/2.  We don't rush because we don't have to :)  But today we did cuz we had to be to the doctor by 11:00.

10:15 We leave for the doctor.

11:15  We see the doctor.  She gives us a req to have xray which is in a different part of town so we head right over.

12:00 We arrive for the xray.  We get the xray around 12:30 but have to wait even longer for it to be read so we don't leave there until 1:00. 

1:15 We drive thru McD's for nuggets and fries before we head home.

1:30 We arrive home but only long enough to use the potty and get the wagon.

1:45 We're back out the door with McD's in hand.  Kids are in the wagon, I'm pulling them while they eat...and we head to the park.  From the park we walk to Baskin Robbins for ice cream.  On the way home from the park we stop and feed the ducks in the pond. 

4:15 We get home just in time to 'beat Daddy home' and start getting ready for dinner. 

5:30 We eat dinner and head back outside for a few just long enough to put away our wagon and  pick up a few things in the yard.

6:30 Pj's and bed by 7:00. 

7:30 I leave again to go to a friends house.  They just bought a house and are in the demo stages of rebuilding.  I didn't do much in the way of helping tonight but it was nice to get out for a bit.

9:30 I'm home and now it's 10:30 and I'm ready for bed. 

Oh - I also called the American Red Cross to make an appt to donate blood.  The person who answered the phone said "Thank you for calling the American Red Cross.  This is Katrina..."  LOL 


  1. So how is she? Why couldn't she walk? And can she now?

  2. Sorry! She is fine - yes she can walk now. The reason is unexplained. There are theories...possibly a virus in her hip wich made it painful for her to lift her leg. Or it's possible she (this is my own theory) that she slept on her leg wrong and maybe pinched a nerve so when she woke up it was painful. Or maybe it was just a mysterious one time thing that we won't ever see again! But - she is fine today and has no complaints.
