Friday, June 17, 2011

Weekly posts and BUBBLE GUM

Maybe it'll be an easier goal to post weekly rather than daily.  I swear I had more time when I worked a paying 40 hour a week job. 

I am obsessed with gum chewing.  I chew gum all the time...and the girls are obsessed with watching me and asking me to blow bubbles.  So yesterday I gave them each a piece of gum.  We started with yummy strawberry gum.  They all sat down in a circle and put the gum in their mouth.  We talked about how we only chew it and don't swallow it.  We don't take it out of our mouths and we don't play with it.  If it gets in our hair we'll have to cut our hair off. When we're done chewing gum we put it in the garbage.  With all the rules out in the open - they chomped away for a good 10 minutes.  It was great!  They didn't say a word for 10 minutes straight!  Then they wanted to try the minty gum.  So I said that when Daddy got home we'd show him we can chew gum and we would use the minty kind.  So they all spit their gum out in the garbage and figured it was worth the wait for Pete to come home.

Pete comes home and we were at the park.  When we came home - they immediately grabbed the gum and opened and chewed and chomped and they were so proud to show their Daddy they can chew gum.  I missed the part of the lecture about not running with gum in their mouth.  Emily and Hailey smashed heads, Hailey gasped and down went the gum.  She started choking.  She got it up pretty quickly though and after we had the 'don't chew gum and walk' lecture.  lol

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