Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Unexpected things

I do my very best to prepare the girls for things that we're doing, things that will be happening and making sure they're aware of what's going on.  But I can't always predict things and there are many times when unexpected things come up.  How we handle them depends on the situation but I'll tell you this...they are amazing at keeping up and keeping cool. 

Yesterday I went through the drive through of the bank to make a deposit.  (I've actually NEVER taken them into the bank...I think I go in maybe once or twice a year myself).  The ATM refused my deposit and said my acct was restricted.  We had to GO INSIDE THE BANK.  UGH  It's a Monday morning, there are tons of old people that just love to pinch cheeks and the girls have never been in a bank before so they won't know what to expect. 

Ok - brief explanation to the girls and inside we go.  They were really good.  We got into the office (we couldn't stand in line to see the teller - we had to be 'personally assisted') and I sat them all down.  I got my business taken care of and they were pretty good about it.  (I won't say amazing because they thought the chairs were monkey bars and decided to hang all over them like little monkeys but they are 3 y/o so some rules don't apply). 

Long story short about my acct is that there was some fraudulent activity on my card to the bank froze my acct.  It's taken care of now and whoever tried to steal my $ should have actually just asked me for some cuz I don't keep any in the bank :)  I HAVE TRIPLETS - I'M BROKE!  Haha...joke is on them.  Situation cleared.

Scene: playground.  The kids are playing.  I ALWAYS say to them "Do you want to leave right now or would you like 5 more minutes?"  Of course they choose 5 minutes and I set my alarm on my phone.  This WORKS and I don't mess with the system when I find something that works.  I don't have to drag them out of the park kicking and screaming and threatening them.  They hear the alarm and we all leave.  But on this particular day Hailey pooped her pants.  (Later she told me because she wanted to keep sliding down the slide...ugh!).  No 5 minute rule applies when you have a kid with a load.  I looked at them and said "We have to go right now.  No warning, no timer, no alarm.  Right now."  Hannah said "But I need 2 more minutes please mom."  I replied with "Hailey pooped her pants.  We can't stay - we need to go home."  They all said "Ok!" and off we went.  No tears, no crying. 

A  year ago these 2 things would have caused me anxiety, panic and I would have had 3 meltdowns on my hands.  I love how far the girls have come and I love that they can handle the instant changes to fit our needs.  I love that I can take all 3 of them out with me and not worry about 'needing' help.  Some days - I prefer to take them alone anyway. 

I'm proud of my little kiddos :) 


  1. oh, I am SO using the idea about setting the alarm. Ok, mine is only 2, but I think it is a great way to teach kids that when you agree on something, everyone needs to comply. Of course it is terrific that yours were so flexible when it came to a crisis.

    Good work!

  2. Keda - the earlier you do something the easier it is. If they don't know anything else...then they won't know it's different! I posted a whole blog today about the alarm so thanks!
