Thursday, April 7, 2011

One on One!

Today was BUSY.  Pete changed his hours at work so he leaves before we are even out of bed for the day.  That means I have to get myself ready before getting the kids ready and getting our day started.  (It also means he's home earlier...usually by 4:30 so I'll take the good with the bad).  Today was packed full.

We got up, got dressed, ate breakfast (sort of) and we were out the door at 9:00.  The girls had Eggo's in hand as we left.  We were planning to go to Walmart but time we wasted too much time getting out so we headed to Target instead.  Shopped and then hurried over to B&N for story time at 10:30.  Andrew met us there so he could hang out for story time today as well.

We left B&N by 11:30 and then headed to Pete's parents to drop off Hannah & Hailey.  Emily had an appt with the eye doctor today so were dropping off the other 2 and getting some quality one on one time.  Well Emily was taking it to the extreme for sure.  The ONLY thing I needed to do was come home and drop off the stuff we bought at Target.  She insisted on staying in the car.  Which meant I literally had to throw the stuff on the table and leave.  Hey - it was her day so who am I to argue!

I was planning to take her to a different mall than we usually go to.  It has a train we can ride around the mall and some games that she likes to play.  But she said "I want to go see the Easter Bunny."  Oooook.  I knew the E.B. was at the mall we frequent so that's where we went.  The whole time walking in she kept saying what she wanted to tell the Easter Bunny and what she was going to get in her basket and on and on.  One thing she's been asking for the E.B. to bring for a few weeks now is a whistle.  (It's the small things in life that they like).  Well as soon as we saw the Easter Bunny she said "I don't want a whistle anymore.  Let's walk this way."  And she pointed in the opposite direction.  LOL  I knew this would happen so I picked her up and we waved from a distance.  And lucky for us - no one was visiting so the E.B. was kind enough to wave, blow kisses and be very loving from a distance.  Just what Emily needed :) 

We went about the mall doing what Emily wanted to do.  Then it was off to the park to play.  We hung out at the park and I realized how hard it is to keep ONE kid occupied!  Usually I bring them someplace and I don't hear "Mommy!" the whole time we're there.  But today - Emily kept saying "Come on Mommy!  Come up the stairs Mommy!  Come down the slide Mommy!"  I obliged like the good Mom I am. 

After the park it was time for the eye doc.  That whole visit when well!  It took an hour and 45 minutes but she didn't cry and we got a good report (for her).  She will need glasses but not yet.  She has an appt to go back in a month to follow up on her periods of not being able to see.  But most importantly - her retina's are attached!  No problems there and that's what we needed to hear.  Her being a preemie and being born as early as she was - this is a HUGE risk factor.  *sigh of relief*. 

After the eye doc we went and picked up H & H and then headed home..with Titi in tow!  Pete and Rosemary fed the kids dinner and put them to bed so I could go work out at the gym.  Once I got home - my brother Pete showed up unexpectedly so he stayed here to watch the girls while Pete and I left for a bit.  Rosemary was originally going to stay.  Not too often we have more than one person available and ready to watch the girls for us!!!! 

Now - it's time for sleep. 

But I will end this post on a sad note.  I don't blog much about my family  life and that's because there are some major problems that are/have been going on.  These problems are years in the making and I'm finally realizing there's nothing I can do to help nor fix them.  With that said - I have stopped talking to my mother.  And probably to my sister.  This might be permanent - it all depends on them.   But right now it's what I have to do.  It's really affecting my attitude and how I am in my everyday life.  Pete and I have our own family now and I can't be responsible for anyone but our family. 

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