Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Clean teeth!

The girls all saw the dentist today for a cleaning and they did wonderful!  No tears at all :)  And more importantly - no cavities.  After we left the dentist we headed for Friendly's for lunch and ice cream...followed by walking around WH center.  We found our way to a toy store in the center and had a lot of fun checking out some new stuff that we might want the Easter Bunny to put in their baskets.

After lunch and our walk around - we headed home.  I gave them all a bottle of bubbles and grabbed the bucket of sidewalk chalk and off we went to play outside.  The did ok with the bubbles - they're getting better at keeping more in the bottle and less on the ground.  I drew large letters in the driveway with the chalk and we played a game of who can go stand on what letter.  I would yell out a letter and they would run to stand on it. 

We came inside - covered in chalk and bubbles and decided a bath would just be the best way to clean up.  So I threw them in the bath and by the time Pete came home we were exhausted.  Pete made dinner and we all sat down to eat and then it was off to bed for the girls. 

Hailey's surgery is scheduled for the 27th of this month (providing she stays healthy and doesn't get a cold before then!). 

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