Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Hailey had surgery today.  She did wonderful!  We had to be at the hospital for 7:45am.  We told all of them in advance what the plan was.  We were having a 'special' day with Hailey while Hannah & Emily had some special time with Grandma.  We dropped Hannah & Emily off to Pete's parents at 7:15 and headed off with Hailey. 

She was a trooper!  She had the cartilage on her neck removed (this was originally thought to be a skin tag but turned out not to be) and she had the nevus sebaceous on the back of her scalp removed.  I was able to go into the OR with her and be with her until she was asleep.  They put her to sleep with a mask before putting her IV in so that was great in itself.  Once she was in the recovery room we were allowed back in to be her while she finished waking up and got ready to come home. 

The ONLY time she cried was when they took the EKG leads off of her and took out her IV.  That was it!  For the rest of the time she was very cooperative and although she was apprehensive (and asked to go home before the surgery) she was a trooper.  We got her home and she wanted to EAT.   And eat she did.  She ate a whole grilled cheese sandwich (her request) and 1/2 bag of Cheetos. 

Hannah & Emily are staying the night at Pete's parents and we are going to spend some real extra time with Hailey tomorrow.  She seems to be dealing with this fine.  She hasn't complained at all and actually seems to be soaking up the extra time she's getting. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

What a fun day we had!  The girls really were into Easter this year and it was all so much fun.  We put together baskets (sand buckets and pails really) last night.  Then we filled a whole bunch of plastic eggs and hid them all over the living room and up the stairs.

Usually when the girls wake up - Emily is sleepy and groggy and needs about 30 minutes to open her eyes.  But this morning Pete and I were in bed and we hear Emily at the gate to their bedroom "Mommy!  Daddy!"  I say "yes Emily?"  She screams "THE EASTER BUNNY CAME!"  Haha there were 3 eggs right outside of their door so they could see them when they woke up.  It worked :) 

We got up and went on an egg hunt then they went through their baskets.  We had some breakfast, headed to church, had lunch here with my family then took naps then headed to Pete's parents for dinner with them. 

The best thing about lunch here today was that Joey & Andy did ALL of the shopping...AND ALL OF THE COOKING!  Plus - a majority of the cleaning up.  LOVE IT! 

Now it's time for some R&R before bed. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Vegas 10 years ago

10 years ago today Pete and I were in Las Vegas.  Getting married.  10 years has brought us many many many changes.  We have since moved 3 times...from Plainville, to New Britain, to Cromwell to our current destination of West Hartford.  We had some pets which included a boxer named Dexter, 3 cats...Frisky, Smokey and Gizmo and then Little Lilly the gold fish..the only one left.  School.  We had many jobs between the 2 of us and we spent many weeks on vacations.  Hawaii, Florida, Virginia, Cape Cod.  3 years ago we had the girls.  That alone brought with it some major life changes. 

Before we had the girls we talked about what kind of parents we would be.  What we wanted to take from our parents and rebuild on with our own kids, things we wanted to start new, things we definitely wanted to leave behind.  Obviously we never thought we'd be doing it times 3! 

We have been through some really rough times as well.  Especially the past 2 years.  We found ourselves out of energy and patience for each other.  We needed to use this energy and patience for everything else that was going on around us.  We found ourselves living together but not living with each other.  We soon realized we were losing each other to those around us.  And we stopped, talked and found a way to fix it. 

10 years of marriage is hard work.  It's not all romance and bliss.  There are days when we can't stand to talk to each other.  There are many differences in how we think things should go.  There are times when we want to just give up and walk our separate ways. 

But 10 years of marriage is also how we became strong enough to make it through these times together.  If someone asks me how I feel when Pete's around I can easily say "I feel that I can conquer the world with him by my side."  We support each other while giving each other the space we need to be individuals. 

There are days when we drive each other absolutely crazy.  But without these days...we wouldn't be able to be crazy about each other. 

I love you Pete.  And here's to the 'next 100 years'......

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A week off!

I took a week off from blogging...sorry!  I don't want to fall too far behind because there's too much that would be missed.  The summer is here and we are having a lot of fun!

We took the girls fishing for the 1st time over the weekend.  There was a fishing derby at a nearby park so we headed over there and let the girls fish.  They had fun but it was cold and windy so we caught fish and left!  Hailey caught 2 fish, Hannah caught 1 and Emily got to reel one in (LB was kind enough to catch one and let her have the pole lol).  I think we'll enjoy it more when it's not so cold.

After the fishing derby we came back to the house for some lunch and cake for Andy's bday...Happy Birthday Uncle Annie!!!  (This is really what the girls call him lol).

Mon & Tue I had 5 kids for the day...I SHOULD INDEED have my head examined.  It wasn't really bad actually.  I had my 3 plus Alex & Carl (both of them are 9).  It works out better to have a buddy of the same age so the 2 of them kept each other busy for the time they were here.  Monday we went grocery shopping and then hit up 2 different parks.  Tues we all went to the mall for 4 HOURS.  Needless to say they were all pretty tired by the days end :)

The girls are getting very creative and imaginitve these days.  They very much enjoy making up stories about things that are going on.  For example - at this very moment they are sitting on the bench in the kitchen.  I asked what they're doing and Emily replied "Waiting for the neighbor to come over.  She's taking our picture."  They like to go upstairs and empty the linen closet of all towels and washclothes.  Then they take them all into the hallway so they can 'shower'.  They play doctor, they pretend to have tea parties, they cook and clean and have fun!  This is a very fun age for me to be home with them.  I love that I'm here to see all of this and be part of it with them. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


From yesterdays post - someone left a comment about the alarm.  And I don't think I've posted about it but it's something I want documented for sure. 

I'm not sure how long we've been doing this but it's been quite some time now.  When the girls are in time out - we set the alarm on our phone to go off when their time out is over.  When we have to leave somewhere - we give the girls the option of 'leaving right now? or in 5 minutes?' which of course they always choose the 5 minutes.  We set the alarm on our phone and when the 5 minutes is up - time to go.  If they even start to argue I remind them that THEY made the choice to leave in 5 minutes.  We could have left before :)  But usually there isn't any arguing (if so it's going to be from Emily). 

If I need to get someplace in a hurry and I don't have time for them to dilly dally around getting ready - I set the alarm and say "You have 5 minutes to get your shoes on, have what you're bringing in your hand and be at the door."  I set the alarm on my phone.  When the alarm goes off - whoever is ready GETS A PRIZE!  Yay!!!  Whoever isn't ready gets help from me.  I don't yell at them for not being ready but they do miss out on the prize.  (Usually a handful of mini marshmallows or a twizzler).  You would think it would cause a meltdown to give one a prize and not the other.  Sometimes it does.  But that can usually be averted with some soft words of encouragement by reminding them that they CAN get a time.  And that next time they can try harder to get ready.  When the same situation occurs - I remind them " didn't get a prize last time.  Try really hard to get ready on time today so Mommy can give YOU a prize!!!"  I know it sounds so freakin' Marry Poppins but trust works.  And when I find something that works - I don't mess with it. 

I love the alarm.  For the amount of times it 'creates' a meltdown - there are 20 times when it saves us one.  It also ensures that someone doesn't get left in time out too long!  LOL 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Unexpected things

I do my very best to prepare the girls for things that we're doing, things that will be happening and making sure they're aware of what's going on.  But I can't always predict things and there are many times when unexpected things come up.  How we handle them depends on the situation but I'll tell you this...they are amazing at keeping up and keeping cool. 

Yesterday I went through the drive through of the bank to make a deposit.  (I've actually NEVER taken them into the bank...I think I go in maybe once or twice a year myself).  The ATM refused my deposit and said my acct was restricted.  We had to GO INSIDE THE BANK.  UGH  It's a Monday morning, there are tons of old people that just love to pinch cheeks and the girls have never been in a bank before so they won't know what to expect. 

Ok - brief explanation to the girls and inside we go.  They were really good.  We got into the office (we couldn't stand in line to see the teller - we had to be 'personally assisted') and I sat them all down.  I got my business taken care of and they were pretty good about it.  (I won't say amazing because they thought the chairs were monkey bars and decided to hang all over them like little monkeys but they are 3 y/o so some rules don't apply). 

Long story short about my acct is that there was some fraudulent activity on my card to the bank froze my acct.  It's taken care of now and whoever tried to steal my $ should have actually just asked me for some cuz I don't keep any in the bank :)  I HAVE TRIPLETS - I'M BROKE!  Haha...joke is on them.  Situation cleared.

Scene: playground.  The kids are playing.  I ALWAYS say to them "Do you want to leave right now or would you like 5 more minutes?"  Of course they choose 5 minutes and I set my alarm on my phone.  This WORKS and I don't mess with the system when I find something that works.  I don't have to drag them out of the park kicking and screaming and threatening them.  They hear the alarm and we all leave.  But on this particular day Hailey pooped her pants.  (Later she told me because she wanted to keep sliding down the slide...ugh!).  No 5 minute rule applies when you have a kid with a load.  I looked at them and said "We have to go right now.  No warning, no timer, no alarm.  Right now."  Hannah said "But I need 2 more minutes please mom."  I replied with "Hailey pooped her pants.  We can't stay - we need to go home."  They all said "Ok!" and off we went.  No tears, no crying. 

A  year ago these 2 things would have caused me anxiety, panic and I would have had 3 meltdowns on my hands.  I love how far the girls have come and I love that they can handle the instant changes to fit our needs.  I love that I can take all 3 of them out with me and not worry about 'needing' help.  Some days - I prefer to take them alone anyway. 

I'm proud of my little kiddos :) 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Just funny

The girls are say SO MUCH MORE these days.  And they say the funniest things in and out of context.  So here are a few:

Emily "Mom!  You didn't STOP at that stop sign!"

Hailey "You can't fool me..."

Hannah (at Denny's after we ate breakfast) "We can't leave yet.  I need to clean off the table." 

Today I was cleaning the bathrooms.  I told the kids to play in their room until I was finished.  I walked by their bedroom and caught a glimps of them HUDDLED in the middle of the room.  I then hear Hannah whisper "Let's go tickle mommy.  Shhhh"   WHATTTT?!?!  They HUDDLED!!!!!!!  I'm in deep doodoo....

This weekend the girls planted a raspberry bush with Pete.  They are suppose to water it every day.  I have watered it.  This is why we don't have a pet.  But I will enjoy the raspberries just as much if not more than they will so I'm ok with this. 

We were also at the park over the weekend and the girls made a friend.  She was wearing the same shoes as Hailey so they named her "Matching Shoes".  My girls were running around the park yelling "Hey Matching Shoes..come on!"  Today we were on our way to the park and they said "Is Matching Shoes gonna be there?"  I swear it sounded like they were part of an Indian tribe. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

One on One!

Today was BUSY.  Pete changed his hours at work so he leaves before we are even out of bed for the day.  That means I have to get myself ready before getting the kids ready and getting our day started.  (It also means he's home earlier...usually by 4:30 so I'll take the good with the bad).  Today was packed full.

We got up, got dressed, ate breakfast (sort of) and we were out the door at 9:00.  The girls had Eggo's in hand as we left.  We were planning to go to Walmart but time we wasted too much time getting out so we headed to Target instead.  Shopped and then hurried over to B&N for story time at 10:30.  Andrew met us there so he could hang out for story time today as well.

We left B&N by 11:30 and then headed to Pete's parents to drop off Hannah & Hailey.  Emily had an appt with the eye doctor today so were dropping off the other 2 and getting some quality one on one time.  Well Emily was taking it to the extreme for sure.  The ONLY thing I needed to do was come home and drop off the stuff we bought at Target.  She insisted on staying in the car.  Which meant I literally had to throw the stuff on the table and leave.  Hey - it was her day so who am I to argue!

I was planning to take her to a different mall than we usually go to.  It has a train we can ride around the mall and some games that she likes to play.  But she said "I want to go see the Easter Bunny."  Oooook.  I knew the E.B. was at the mall we frequent so that's where we went.  The whole time walking in she kept saying what she wanted to tell the Easter Bunny and what she was going to get in her basket and on and on.  One thing she's been asking for the E.B. to bring for a few weeks now is a whistle.  (It's the small things in life that they like).  Well as soon as we saw the Easter Bunny she said "I don't want a whistle anymore.  Let's walk this way."  And she pointed in the opposite direction.  LOL  I knew this would happen so I picked her up and we waved from a distance.  And lucky for us - no one was visiting so the E.B. was kind enough to wave, blow kisses and be very loving from a distance.  Just what Emily needed :) 

We went about the mall doing what Emily wanted to do.  Then it was off to the park to play.  We hung out at the park and I realized how hard it is to keep ONE kid occupied!  Usually I bring them someplace and I don't hear "Mommy!" the whole time we're there.  But today - Emily kept saying "Come on Mommy!  Come up the stairs Mommy!  Come down the slide Mommy!"  I obliged like the good Mom I am. 

After the park it was time for the eye doc.  That whole visit when well!  It took an hour and 45 minutes but she didn't cry and we got a good report (for her).  She will need glasses but not yet.  She has an appt to go back in a month to follow up on her periods of not being able to see.  But most importantly - her retina's are attached!  No problems there and that's what we needed to hear.  Her being a preemie and being born as early as she was - this is a HUGE risk factor.  *sigh of relief*. 

After the eye doc we went and picked up H & H and then headed home..with Titi in tow!  Pete and Rosemary fed the kids dinner and put them to bed so I could go work out at the gym.  Once I got home - my brother Pete showed up unexpectedly so he stayed here to watch the girls while Pete and I left for a bit.  Rosemary was originally going to stay.  Not too often we have more than one person available and ready to watch the girls for us!!!! 

Now - it's time for sleep. 

But I will end this post on a sad note.  I don't blog much about my family  life and that's because there are some major problems that are/have been going on.  These problems are years in the making and I'm finally realizing there's nothing I can do to help nor fix them.  With that said - I have stopped talking to my mother.  And probably to my sister.  This might be permanent - it all depends on them.   But right now it's what I have to do.  It's really affecting my attitude and how I am in my everyday life.  Pete and I have our own family now and I can't be responsible for anyone but our family. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Clean teeth!

The girls all saw the dentist today for a cleaning and they did wonderful!  No tears at all :)  And more importantly - no cavities.  After we left the dentist we headed for Friendly's for lunch and ice cream...followed by walking around WH center.  We found our way to a toy store in the center and had a lot of fun checking out some new stuff that we might want the Easter Bunny to put in their baskets.

After lunch and our walk around - we headed home.  I gave them all a bottle of bubbles and grabbed the bucket of sidewalk chalk and off we went to play outside.  The did ok with the bubbles - they're getting better at keeping more in the bottle and less on the ground.  I drew large letters in the driveway with the chalk and we played a game of who can go stand on what letter.  I would yell out a letter and they would run to stand on it. 

We came inside - covered in chalk and bubbles and decided a bath would just be the best way to clean up.  So I threw them in the bath and by the time Pete came home we were exhausted.  Pete made dinner and we all sat down to eat and then it was off to bed for the girls. 

Hailey's surgery is scheduled for the 27th of this month (providing she stays healthy and doesn't get a cold before then!). 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Sometimes I hate Blogger!  I had an entire post written and accidentally hit the back button and it didn't save my damn post! 

Ugh - I also don't like rewrites.  They're not the same and don't have the same flow because now I'm mad. 

Basically - we have a lot of appts coming up.  All 3 are seeing the dentist tomorrow. Emily is seeing the eye doctor Thur (she's been complaining of not being able to see periodically).  Hailey is having surgery (hopefully this month).  Once that is scheduled we need to make an appt for her preop.  Hannah & Hailey have an appt to see the eye doc later next month.  If not both of them - I suspect that Hailey will be needing glasses right away.  We'll see.  (hehe pun intended!)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Kite flying & Cousins

Over the weekend we took the girls down to the school yard to fly some kites.  O.M.G. HOW MUCH FUN!  I remember back when I was a kid - kite flying was one of the BEST memories I have of my childhood.  I remember being out in the fields next to where my grandparents lived.  This was one activity I remember always doing with my cousins Kate & Jen and also with my older brother Andrew.  And for some reason I can remember losing kites all of the time!  I think we would let them go by accident and they would end up in the trees. 

So when we took the girls to fly kites it brought back this rush of memories that was so great!  I love that we were so close to our cousins and we spent so much time together.  Both of them are still very close to my heart and I still love spending time with them.  (I'm like a little kid when I know I'm going to visit them....). 

Today - the girls and I headed up to MA to visit with my cousin Jen and her kids (and in a roundabout way her hubby too since he was working from home today).  The girls love hanging out with their cousins and when it was time to leave Emily of course didn't want to go.  I remember that feeling (I have no idea why I remember the actual feeling of having to leave my cousins house when I little but I do).  I have a feeling it's got a lot to do with the fact that my uncles are KIDS and my cousins and I are still KIDS.  I mean...we rode big wheels, went for a swing on the tire swing, and rode on the kid tractor...IN THE HOUSE today.  WE being my cousin and I!  Yeah the kids did too but it's not as much fun just watching :) 

Basically - I love my cousins and I hope that my girls get to have the same kind of friendship with their cousins as I do with mine. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Story time

We went to story time yesterday at B&N.  Then today - we just hung out at home and chilled out all day.  Snow on the ground and a kid with the sniffles (Hailey) so we stayed in :)