Monday, February 7, 2011


Sorry for the delayed posts but we've been a bit busy to say the least.  We are in the condo still - they finally did come shovel off the roof.  But there is a lot of damage.  I can't even think about that right now.  I'm just glad to be leaving the cracked walls in 5 short days!  I'll deal with the insurance companies (ours and the condo association) after the move.  I have to prioritize right now and one thing I've gotten pretty good at in recent years is doing what CAN be done and not focusing on things I can't change. 

I can move!  Yesterday my cousin, Kate, came down from MA to help me pack.  She got my butt motivated and we got a ton of stuff done.  Pete took the girls (who were protesting their naps) out for a drive and they fell asleep.  So he kept them out while we packed.  Currently what's left is mostly stuff that can't really be put in boxes.  We're living out of laundry baskets, boxes and chaos.  But it's ok - there will be relief from all of that by this time next week. 

The girls are doing great with potty training - NO accidents from anyone today.  They are also accepting the chaos better than I thought they would.  They are fine with moving now - we have even put their toys in boxes! 

Rosemary is coming to watch the girls tonight so Pete and I can get out to buy some paint and other stuff for the new house.  5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!

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