Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  So without change - we would all be insane (because if you DID do the same thing over and over again and got the same results - it would bore you to insanity itself).  Change is good.  I like change.  But sometimes 'change' means changing from a fluid lifestyle to a ridged strict daily regiment.  Very much like what happened when we gave birth to the girls.  No more coming and going as we pleased, having people over whenever they wanted to show up, leaving for the night on whim...so on.  BUT what we did was change.  We changed our ways to fit the needs of our new family.  And by doing so - we now have 3 happy, very regimented toddlers.  (toot horn here...while patting self on back). 

I think we need some change again.  And school might just give us what we're looking for.  If I could PAY for anything I wanted...it would be time.  God if I only knew how valuable time was before I had kids I wouldn't have wasted so much of it doing only Lord knows what. 

Here's to change...............

On a side note - I'm missing my family.  Especially my cousins up in MA.  So change might mean skipping out for a day or two to get up there. 


  1. Change is good...I believe that now. I used to hate it.

  2. missing you too! wish that change meant I had more free time and cash to come visit you ! ! ! Our time is really no longer our own . . . hate to tell you this but it just gets harder! I thought as oldest got older it would be easier - but add sports, parties, girls, friends, and taxi him here and there - yikes! Good though that by the time you get to this point with your girls I will be down to just 1 of the 2 (insert little sadness cause that means "Thing 1" will be on his own) I will be more available to help out! I fully expect to take your girls for a week at a minimum each summer when they are older for "Camp Chabott!"
