Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 4

Last night was rough. The girls were up for what felt like all night between the 3 of them. They just couldn't settle down. They weren't up for long - each time we got them up for only about 5 minutes and they went right back to sleep. But then they would get up again a while later. They finally settled down for the rest of the night around 2:00.

So our feet hit the floor at 6:30am. We're way behind schedule now. I'm suppose to be out the door with the girls by 7:00. I get the girls dressed while Pete gets their milk warmed up. Then while they're chugging down - I get in the shower and get ready for work. By some miracle (and with plenty of help from Pete!) we manage to be out the door by 7:15. Can you believe that? Pete had gotten their bags packed and ready (and I have mentioned that he makes me coffee every morning?). So we gather the children and their belongings and head out the door. Hailey falls down the stairs outside. It's only 2 steps and I didn't see it. All I heard was Pete say "oh shit she just fell" I hold my breath as I turn to grab her but realize she's just sitting on the sidewalk not crying. So I don't do anything but look her over. She looks at me - gets up, brushes herself off and keeps on moving.

We (the girls and I) get 5 minutes down the road when Hailey starts crying and pulling at her mouth. I pull over (not something I do very often) thinking that she probably has a hair in her mouth and I didn't want to let it bother her all the way to Pete's parents house. Ugh - she threw up...not much but enough smell and it stinks. Her jacket is gross. But it's cold out and it's not like we have a spare. So I grab a tissue - wipe her off and keep on moving. I'm guessing she ate too fast and then with her little tumble down the stairs - her tummy was unsettled.

I drop off the girls and head to work. Work was busy today. Pete and I discuss taking Friday off (all of this over email) because it's going to be nice and the Berlin Fair is this weekend. We also toss around the idea of selling the condo and renting a house. We need a yard! And we've been trying to buy a house for way too long now. The problem is that the $ we saved for a down payment will end up going to actually selling the condo. We'll take a loss on the condo so there won't be any $ left for a down payment. More discussion is needed but we really need a house - even if we have to rent one. We also talk about why the girls were up last night. I told one of the docs I work with and she said it might have been a growth spurt since it was simply that they couldn't get comfortable. Hmmm...that's something I didn't think of. We also talk about how we need to work out - but not tonight...we're both exhausted from last night.

Work ends - I pick up the girls and head home. Pete was late so dinner wasn't ready - no big deal since it's not a bath night. I get dinner ready while the girls play. Emily slams her head in the cabinet door. Not a finger or a hand or an arm...nope - has to be her head. This kid is just accident prone. I stop what I'm doing and give her some love. I can tell she's really tired. When Emily is tired she just doesn't know what to do with herself and ends up getting into everything.

We feed the girls and get them ready for bed. Haha...tonight we put on one piece footsie pj's. Ya know - the cute ones that have feet and zip all the way up? Yeah - they haven't worn these since last winter (which they don't remember). So they were full of 'uh oh's because they couldn't see their feet. It was funny to watch. Then it was up to brush teeth, read and in bed. No crying from any of them...they're now sleeping soundly (and hopefully will stay that way for the rest of the night!).

Pete cooks him and I dinner. Tilapia...yummy. While we eat - we sort through the 512 pictures that he ordered from snapfish the other day. And we realize there aren't enough single shots of Hannah. Mental note - take more pics of just Hannah. I clean up while he puts some pictures in a nice frame we bought 1 year Oh yeah - and we talk about the problem with the electric bill. We still can't conceive why on earth it's $426 a month.

Pete put laundry in. I love that. But he put the girls laundry in 1st - before we were home. Remember the jacket? Yeah - it still smells like puke. It's ok though - I decide we'll just throw it in with the load of darks that we're going to wash next. I say this out loud - just in case he gets to it before I do. And he does. He puts the darks in the washer. And a while later I realize - the jacket didn't make it in there. Oh well. If the girls go out tomorrow she can wear a sweatshirt.

Donna is coming tomorrow morning. And Pete's mom is watching the girls here. Jen is also coming to visit. Hopefully it'll break up the day for them.

I realize this blog is me posting - but Pete has the login information and eventually he'll post some stuff on his own. Just know that he reads this before I post it and I make any changes/additions that he wants. Right now he's on ebay looking for slides for the I just said to check Craigslist - no shipping because we can pick it up locally.

I did some thinking about RSV and posted a blog on the girls blog about it. I'm worried about it this season. With H1N1 and the fact that the girls 'look' healthy - I'm afraid people aren't going to understand how fragile they still are. It's hard for ME to understand and Pete and I are the one's who lived through the NICU experience. I can't expect other people to fully understand it but I do expect people to follow our requests.

I also did some thinking about how much patience Pete has with me. He's a saint. That's all I can say.

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a crazy day . It sounds like you guys work well together! My Lil guy was 4 weeks early and in the NICU. I'm worried about this winter too!
