Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 1

Our feet hit the floor at 6:30 this morning. Pete and I both got up - we had plans to meet my family for breakfast at 9:00 so there was no sleeping in for either one of us. We got up, got the girls up, changed them for the day and gave them their milk. Pete and I take turns showering while the other took care of the girls. Hannah was in rare form this morning. I pissed her off because I had to go down to the basement and I chose to take Emily with me this time. Hannah was just torn apart by my decision and just couldn't get it together for the rest of the morning.

By 8:15 we were all dressed and headed out the door. We are on our way to the diner when I realize they don't have crayons for kids at this diner. Not a huge deal - but with the morning Hannah was having - I thought it best we should stop and buy some. I decide we should keep some in their backpack anyway. I think it would be nice to be able to pull out crayons, paper and stickers wherever we are! We get to the diner and my parents are there and my brother Pete showed up shortly after. He worked a double shift last night (he's a corrections officer) so he was tired to say the least. The girls had a great breakfast (which means we all did). But they usually are pretty good when we take them out to eat.

We leave breakfast around 10:00 and we headed to Khols. We had to try on snowsuits for the girls. We were right down the street and we knew we were chancing a meltdown because it was nap time but we didn't want to go back out there later today.

Khols was fun (not). We tried the snowsuits on Hannah & Emily. Neither of them wanted to get back into the wagon once we took them out of it. And Hailey pooped. And people...people wouldn't stop asking questions. I think I was irritated even more because the girls were cranky and I just wanted to get them home so they could sleep. But yet people still seem to think it's ok to stop and ask a million questions...talking over the screaming kids of course. We find some books that quiet the girls down (and end up buying them). Leave the store and change Hailey in the car. Did I mention it was pouring rain? That made it fun.

We get home and put the girls to bed by 11:00. While they're sleeping, Pete goes down to the basement and starts cleaning while I stay upstairs and try to reorganize all their toys. I decide they have too many and put some away. Pete spends their whole 2 hour nap cleaning out the basement.

The girls wake up at 1:00 and by this point Pete and I have made separate plans for the afternoon. He's going to take the girls to his parents house and I'm going to do some errands with a friend of mine. I'll meet him at his parents for dinner and we'll come home together. This plan worked out well. I got some things done - he got to visit with his family and we all got a lovely dinner that his dad made.

We leave his parents house around 5:15 and head home. Get home and the girls are ready to play but it's time for baths and bed! We give them a bath, brush teeth, read book and in their cribs they go!

They're sleeping by 6:15 and Pete heads back down to the basement to do more cleaning. I clean up the house a bit more and do some work on the computer. I have a part time job posting for a moms website online. At some point today I washed and dried 2 loads of the girls laundry. I can't remember when but I just finished folding it and putting it neatly back in the basket. I also picked out their clothes for the next two days and packed their bags for his parents house on Tuesday. I have school tomorrow night so I don't get home until 9:45. On Sunday's I have plan 2 days ahead...or risk falling a week behind!

It's 10:00pm. I feel like today was a great day. Some days I don't feel accomplished but today I do. Oh - I also played a poker game (lost) & Pete ordered pictures from snapfish...both of us doing these things while watching S.W.A.T. I love that movie. One day I might actually pay attention to the plot.

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