Monday, December 6, 2010

Still Tired

I wake up thinking about when I'll get to sleep again.  I don't know if it's because I'm not working out and my body is in desperate need of some energy that way - or if it's because I'm simply not getting enough sleep.  Probably a combination of the 2...but the end result is still the same.  I'M TIRED! 

I gave my notice last week at work.  It SUCKS to say the least.  But it all comes down to what's best for the girls and that means me being home with them.  I think the one real reason I'm not happy about leaving work is the money and benefits.  I'm fine with being home with the kids, I love the freedom of doing what I want and going wherever we want to go.   But it makes me wicked nervous to know that we will be living on one income, spending more than we make, not knowing where the future will take us.......

But we'll get through it as we always do.  Together as a family. 

1 comment:

  1. Breaks over girl! We need more updates. Need if not daily at least a weekly post - I understand blog burn out. I myself have been slowing down but have tried at least a random post here or there. See you in a few days. XO
